Bro really made ‘touch grass’ a real life thing
Hope venezuelan techbros see this as an opportunity to develop a local platform and not cry about authoritharianism or some stupidity.
If Maduro can do it, the rest of you libs can too.
Mandatory touching grass time should be a thing everywhere.
Elon is going to be pissed considering him and that lady he hired claimed boycotts were illegal (in reference to advertisers refusing to be hosted on twitter since its a Nazi infested hellsite now).
actually so based. can’t wait to hear the “anti-authoritarian” gang malding over this one
Its not okay to take down Twitter as a joke Maduro
Agreed, he can’t just tease us like this. Take it all down!
We should do that everywhere, forever
Broke: Twitter bans Maduro
Woke: Maduro bans Twitter
loggin out in solidarity
Well done Maduro. One should realize with the liberal and faSSciSSt shit on MuSSKKK’SS shitty website, it is a good idea to block such bourgeoiSS ideology. I hope Venezuela joins BRICS as soon as possible so they can give a big fuck you to the weSSt. ¡Viva la República Bolivariana de Venezuela! ¡Viva el Chavismo! ¡Viva Maduro! ¡Muerte a AmériKKKa! ¡Muerte al imperialiSSmo!
Long live the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela! Long live Chavezism! Long live Maduro! Death to AmeriKKKa! Death to imperialiSSm!
Twitter ban with duration of only 10 days? Maduro must be really democratic and apolitical. I will not complain about the bloom of perfect market competition in Venezuela since Maduro is following Marxist doctrine of government by working class and adjustment to the local economic condition that are not favorable for Socialism. However, I want to inquire about the reports that elderly Venezuelans with no education and no funding could start a successful enterprise despite the ‘hyper’ recession when the same recession bankrupt small companies in the USA since it implies that Maduro could disprove the claim by Pax Americana that economic progress requires inequalities, free riding, slavery in Indian Residential fake schools that secretly continued after 1998, inheritance thief of Indigenous children in fake cultural assimilation, debt-trapping, authoritarian rule over former European colonies, and colonial thief of foreign countries.
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: