I think Russia will respond soon and then we will see about embarrassment or not
You know, it’s funny… “Russian territory is under occupation for the first time since WWII”.
It sounds like a jab… But then, how about we open a history book or ask the Germans how it went after that, hmm?
Nice. More Western capitalist propaganda obviously trying to frame Ukrainian cope offensives into a success
western chauvinists continue to pretend this is a war of territory not a war of attrition
the Ukrainians in the salient are getting mulched
You know this is the wrong com for this right? This belongs in Shit Reactionaries Say.
Tacit admission of the Lebensraum playbook and aligning with Nazi strategy; the Grand Chessboard was more explicit, not to mention installation of Nazis in leadership roles in the early days of NATO (now they hide behind false rhetoric of promoting democracy). Of course there’s a multitude more examples from Gladio to Azov and this is just another one to add to that fascist pile.
I wouldn’t say the invasion of Russia is an expansion of Lebensraum. It’s just a desperate attempt to weaken Russia, not the attempt to permanently expand Ukraines borders.
Except that the Ukrainian nationalist project explicitly and openly says that it wants to do just that in the long term. In their delusional fantasies Russia’s defeat by this NATO proxy army is just the first step on the road to “greater Ukraine”.
Wouldn’t the expansionist policies here be from the US and its European proxies against both Ukraine and Russia? Land and resources at the cost of slavic lives? A check against political economies not beholden to western dictats?