Is someone declaring that virginity rocks, or have they dubbed these rocks the Virginity Rocks by the capitalized v and r?
That’s not Canadian graffiti. Canadian graffiti would be “sorry for the graffiti” spray painted on that rock.
That’s on the other side.
What a fucking virgin thing to do
Like there’s nothing wrong with not fucking, but deconstruct the concept of virginity from your mind and stop thinking of it as any more of a virtue than present in not eating food you don’t want to eat.
“Veganism Rocks”
Well yeah it does. Everyone knew that one right?
Well I guess these aren’t sex stones.
What is a sex stone, you may ask?
It’s a fucking rock.
Underrated comment (⌐■_■)
it’s a meme
It’s true. Those rocks have never had sex.
By the capitals it’s obvious that these rocks have been named the Virginity Rocks… Maybe their composition is similar to a well matured hymen?
Isn’t this some YouTubers slogan? I don’t care enough to look into ot but I’ve definitely seen the phrase on hoodies and t shirts before
Yeah, it’s Danny Duncan.
It’s the opposite of Makeout Point, those are the Virginity Rocks, the lowest point in town.