Thanks for reminding me to be patient, my chilli plants have started ripening the past week or so. Though I’d share the results with you all.
I have 5 different chilis growing outside right next to each other (including the one you have), all of which are slowly dying because something is nibbling at their roots, EXCEPT for the Jamaican Jamy chili. It’s as tall as me, has plenty of large fruit and is generally just vibin’. I suppose that us on brand for Jamaica.
I have 24 pepper plants growing rn. Got a lot of Carolina reapers and a few Trinidad scorpion, ghost peppers, Caribbean red hot habanero, ring of fire, cayenne, burning bush, basket of fire
I looooove growing peppers! This one is so cute. Did you know you can bonchi (bonzai for peppers) them at the end of the season? They are technically perennials but most people treat them like annuals
Those look yummy! Also, thanks for the reminder, it’s spring here, perfect time to grow some chillies I reckon.