NOTE: 1) Currently, due to a bug in Lemmy v0.19.7, all posts that lead with an Imgur-based thumbnail must manually be clicked to see the picture, which temporarily takes you to Imgur, 2) Some posts have pics in the body of a post that use the ‘proxy’ formatting,* which will not automatically show up right now. (example) Hopefully Lemmy v0.19.8 will fix both of these issues(!) EDIT: that one looks fixed now!, 3) Imgur has unexpectedly deleted a bunch of hosted pics, whilst inexplicably not touching others. So dang frustrating, and yet… maybe I can figure out a better solution?

NOTE2: This is an older list that covers the first ~7-8 months of ‘best of’ content. One day I’d like to get it brought up to speed, but at this point I’m probably going to need a helper for that.


  • Try the randomly-generated Tintin quiz.
  • Try Johnny’s "Who Are these Ten First Appearances?" quiz. And here’s the answers.