This started out way more fun than it ended
Like seriously, how do you go from “haha these people have silly horny thoughts” to “you’re an insufferable human being if you can’t get laid”? That sounds like what a middle school bully might say.
It’s just sugar coated misandry.
Not a fan of the negative tone of OOP, tbh.
The message here imo is less “you must be awful if women aren’t fucking you” and more “looks don’t matter, be chill.”
I have never used TikTok, so maybe they’re right about this, but there’s a good chance that selective memory bias is at play here, which is when you only focus on the examples that prove your preexisting beliefs and forget about all the examples that didn’t.
Ha, the explanation is probably even more simple. The ones that were wild were liked and shared, the ones that were normal didn’t get any engagement.
You can’t get good metrics from social media without being able to access the entire data set.
Men can be monster fuckers too! I would know.
(me eyeing some Elden Ring beasts all hornily)
Yes wasp queen, use your ovipositor. I’m ready~
No it’s because I don’t leave my house anymore unless I’m going to work or grocery shopping because I haven’t been drinking at bars, and I don’t use apps. My carapace may not be as chitinous as a xenomorph, and have me beat with the acid blood, but my personality is books and jokes, and at least I don’t reproduce parasitically…(wait…shit I guess we do…)
Or…or…hear me out: society and social media has bred a collection of individuals that do stupid shit strictly just to generate traffic. I highly doubt any of those women would ever, if actually faced with those, do it or want to. It’s for the shock value and to get the interaction going. Basically ‘any publicity is good publicity’.
It just sounds like two different age groups were being described, not two genders
tl;dr: Having a real personality will get you laid more than money or muscles. Worked for me. Best yet, if you’re real, you get invited back, get to be a repeat offender. 😈 Advice from dad, “Son, if you want that pussy again, get in there and eat it right the first time.” Do that thing.
Helps if you’re not trying to use a woman as a sex toy, treat them for what they are, another human you want to enjoy sex with. Also, solid grooming goes a long way, easy and free, or near enough. Trim your nails, style your hair, take a shower, brush and floss, dress yourself and lay off the pork rinds you fat fucks.
SOURCE: Short, old, scrawny fucker with a 50+ body count. Here’s me soaking wet in thrift store clothes and gear. You can do this. (Never went for count, gross stat, wanted solid relationships, just worked that way over the decades.)
Something tells me you also have self confidence. Something I’ve never had.