When the people who invented Nazis are pissed about your Nazis, you’ve got a problem with Nazis.
Now we need to do the AfD next, bevor we have the next Nazis on our hands. And their populist propaganda is seeping in steadily, fueled by massive and endless hate campaigns from the BILD boulevard piece.
They are polling really really high in many states, top in some even, despite having absolutely no plans or desires to do any politics. All they can do is rage and yell about immigrants, current politicians, taxes, joblessness, the EU, laws, Ukraine, everything. And they also successfully did this thing where they are selling their idea that they are “for the people” and “the will of the people”, yet the elected politicians they do have have consistently (and I mean it, not a single exeption) voted in favor of taxing the working class and making it easier for the ultra-rich. Surprise, surprise.
The same is happening in Sweden with the neo Nazi Sweden Democrats (disclaimer: they prefer being called “social conservatives” while simultaneously calling for the “deportation of asocial foreigners”). The only difference is, these ones have a plan, a really shitty one, and now by forming a bloc and becoming part of the government without any posts, they are effectively trying to apply each one of their weird proposals even though a number of them may require that they leave the EU. They think UK is doing a good job with immigration…
Whenever any nation wants to leave the EU, I immediately suspect they are up to a human rights violation.
I guess, you & I know that the UK is doing an awful job regarding immigration & asylum seekers. For those who might not know - there are no legal routes to apply for asylum to the UK. All were deliberately removed in a genius move to make it impossible to apply. During Brexit, when the French offered to build a refugee precessing centre in Calais, the UK govt refused just to make it even harder - you can’t get refugees if you don’t process any refugee applications, or so they thought. The only way currently to apply is to be in the UK - the catch22 is never explained. So, refugees are now turning up in their thousands in small boats & are housed in hotels at the cost of £6 million a day. Some of these refugees were those who aided the UK in Iraq, Afghanistan & Syria but were not allowed to apply from their home country.
The Home Office is either innundated or on a go-slow to process as little applications as possible, while simultaneously trying to leave the European Court Of Human Rights - just so that refugees can be deported to Rwanda before too many are granted asylum. The conservatives created the problem that they are complaining about & are radicalising the country over it. The Sweden Democrats are probably happy because the asylum seeker boat that will hold 500 refugees on an offshore ‘floating prison’ is called “The Bibby Stockholm”.
There is a far-right splinter group in the 2 party system here who call themselves the National Conservatives - or NatCs as they are called :)Thanks for adding all these details.
Bibbi Stockholm will likely not comply with fire hazard laws and other such “rights” that are suddenly trivial and luxury when it’s an asylum seeker. As we speak, a large number of teachers, nurses, doctors, and their many associations in different parts of Sweden are refusing to report the paperless and calling for civil disobedience (as far as I know this is still a proposal the government wants to implement). The government doesn’t seem to be responding to this issue or addressing it.
Bibbi Stockholm will likely not comply with fire hazard laws and other such “rights” that are suddenly trivial and luxury when it’s an asylum seeker
You guessed right, the very first day asylum seekers went onto the barge, Legionnaires’ disease was found in the water supply. Water safety tests were done prior but the people were moved in before the results returned from a lab - so everyone was re-located again while they sorted that out. No such corners are cut in normal situations & when they are - people lose jobs, licences, get sued or imprisoned for negligence. This was just treated as an “oops” as the blame was passed back & forth.
“Rights” are indeed a luxury & the immigration minister even ordered staff remove artwork of Mickey Mouse from the walls at an asylum centre for unaccompanied kids because he said it was too welcoming. I get it, asylum seekers & refugees are not wanted in most countries but the way this is being done is just unbelievable.
Lol, the UK are doing worse with immigration than before Brexit.
Some people really use any lies to make people support their outrageous claims like leaving the EU.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia was helping behind the scenes with it, they want the EU to fail so they can conquer even more territories.
Russia know they can’t fight NATO. So they make like-minded autocratic friends like Erdogan, Orban, Trump & try to soften NATO members’ stance towards Russia. The hope is that some, if not all the major NATO member countries will self-radicalise & see nothing wrong with what Russia or China does. Clever & obviously working.
That would be great!
If something is worth doing it’s worth doing yourself. Stop outsourcing your aggression to governments.
Eh, I am sadly not in a position where I can ban the AfD. I wish I were.
It’s difficult to ban that kind of thing anyway. Ideas are hard to squash, especially ones born of a mix of ignorance and frustration.
the real people we need to euthanize are the ghouls who are stupid enough to eat up crap like this
Eeeeeh… wow. Okay, and you jump straight to euthanize. I’m going to put you into the “part of the problem” box, I think.
i want to kill hateful people, as history proves its the only way to get rid of them
The issue is who decides what kind of behaviour deserves that kind of treatment.
It inevitably ends up harming the wrong people in the end.
I can understand the sentiment though.
You should recognize that from their point of view what you said is pretty much what they think they’re saying. Squashing bad ideas isn’t worth turning yourself into a ghoul as well. Even people with bad ideas deserve love and compassion.
Holy shit, we are so fucked.
Let me guess, the related nazi group in the US is protected under at least ten amendments to continue being nazis.
Land of the freak
Get every last one of these fuckers!
I wish we would do it more often. But in fact west-germany and now whole germany always were slow in fighting against Nazis. Currently we have an extreme right-wing party in our parliaments. Many say they’re all Nazis and our secret services say that large parts of them are Nazis. It’s not funny anymore. Many people are thinking about leaving the country, especially jews. And if they’re going to win the first big elections in the next few years, this won’t be funny. Democracy will fail in germany, if we don’t do anything about it. I am talking about AfD. https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/thueringen/umfrage-landtagswahl-sonntagsfrage-100.html if you look at the charts, you’ll see that they’re already the biggest force in Thüringen (one of our states). It’s scary. Here’s a source of our secret services, that they’re extreme right-wing: https://verfassungsschutz.thueringen.de/rechtsextremismus/rechtsextremismus-thueringen/verdachtsfall-afd It says that parts of the party are a threat to our democracy.
There will be nowhere to run including worldwide because it’s happening in every country even USA, Italy, Poland. You have to protect your country from within by participating politically. I sometimes wonder if this started with Putin helping install shadow candidates in various countries to make them dictator friendly but it’s hard to say if it was that or happened organically.
It didn’t start with Putin. It started with destabilizing the socialistic states and fighting the left. You can argue that the socialism wasn’t good, I am fine with it - but you have to understand that this was the beginning. You can begin with Italy, after ww2 it became nearly socialistic - the US were against it. Same with Poland, it became far right after the fall of the USSR. And even Russia - you know where it started? 1994 after Gorbashev. And now we have the problems starting in germany, in east-germany. After the end of the GDR there were nobody who fought against Nazis. They spread like hell and even the secret services ignored it. Now 30 years later we have huge problems. I don’t know if everybody remembers, but there was Rostock-Lichtenhagen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fiEHBGknF4) - it was nearly after the reunification. In the GDR this would’ve been impossible, in new germany even the politicians participated with the demonstrations (at the beginning, later with escalation it changed). It was horrible. Nobody wanted to see it. They had 30 years time.
Read a book called called The Foundations of Geopolitcs - A. Dugin. It is a Russian propaganda book but translations & academic analyses are common. Putin’s strategy since the fall of the USSR is pretty much in that book, step by step, the methods to destabilise countries from within instead of fighting them, meddling in elections, the invasions of Ukraine, Chechnya, Africa coups etc - it’s all in there. If there is one book to read about this type of thing, that’s the best because the Russian military academies & generals are allegedly guided by it. Putin now openly uses terms & phrases which originate from it. Brexit & the socially engineered collapse of the EU is described as paramount to European expansion. Quite often, it is just too blatant in it’s intent for world dominance.
Check it out if you want to get an idea what Putin has planned for your country or continent because no major or strategic location, country or tactic is left unexplained.
This is like saying the heritage foundation actually perfectly details american strategies and long term goals, stop stretching this shit to fit your shitty reasoning. Putin is to blame for your country failing to achieve basic needs for its citizens? Fuck off, and dugin is some weirdo fascist and really does not participates in Duma politics, you would know this if you didn’t actively try to warmonger with text of bullshit you just wrote.
It is almost a requirement that “Putin’s Brain”, as Dugin is known as, be a mad fascist. When an assassination attempt meant for him got his daughter, Darya Dugina, instead - Putin personally granted her the Order of Courage “for courage and selflessness shown in the performance of professional duty”. Dugin’s daughter was also a known entity to 3 letter agencies in the US. Dugin himself, likes to pass off as a “scholar.” - that was until the FBI tipped off Facebook to remove her disinformation farm UWI from the site. The UK & US sanctioned her & her father for their active role in UWI. Just because he wrote a book & sounds crazy does not make him incapable of being an active Kremlin operative of some capacity.
Putin might not have caused Brexit but his FB disinformation campaign, as shown by Cambridge Analytica, could have been used. Allegations of meddling in the Brexit vote, UK politics etc are all here https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/21/russia-report-reveals-uk-government-failed-to-address-kremlin-interference-scottish-referendum-brexit, as you do not seem to get the depth of what you’re talking about. This is old info & if you lived in the UK - or wanted to know, then you’d know this.
As if any confirmation was needed, 2 years later, in 2022, Prighozhin would become the first prominent Russian to openly admit to election intereference - “We have interfered (in U.S. elections), we are interfering and we will continue to interfere. Carefully, accurately, surgically and in our own way, as we know how to do.” he said. No one serious had doubted it before.
Have you actually read that book at all? I doubt you have & if you have then you did not understand it at all. Try again & while you’re learning, go read Zbigniew Brzezinski. Don’t bother me again until you know what you’re talking about & can speak like a grown up.
"It is almost a requirement that “Putin’s Brain”, as Dugan is known as, be a mad fascist. When an assassination attempt meant for him got his daughter, Dugina, instead - Putin personally granted her the Order of Courage “ What the does entail at all? first the order of courage is nothing more than ceremonial appreciation, the fact that his dead daughter, rather than him got this medal shows there’s nothing to your sentence. Explain accurately what you mean here, as you’ve yet to explain how dugin is the ‘Mind of Putin’ despite not even being a scholar, nor an endorsed publicator, far all I can tell, he’s a rambling lunatic akin to alex jones.
“Do you know that the intelligence services in the UK suspected, investigated & warned about Russian interference in our elections” I care very little on MI5 has to say really, the ones who faked a dossier on Iraqi WMDs, the intelligence agency which recently held classified documents on its support of fascist militia’s in Italy. You expect me to believe an ounce of truth to their credibility? Laughable. You’re anti-democratic rhetoric is also noticeable, you believe the Scottish independence referendum, and Brexit was caused by Russian FB disinformation campaign? on what Facebook? Have you thought of the possibility that Mark Zuckerberg handed nothing since there’s absolutely nothing to hand over? Maybe try questioning things yourself before believing a word from the sky.
"Putin did not create Brexit but his FB disinformation campaign, as shown by Cambridge Analytica, could have been used. The intent was already in a printed manual. " Where on earth did you get this from? Interesting observation, did Cambridge Analytica come up with this, or was this some little insert you put in there? Anyways read this since it disproves this bullshit :). And the Cambridge Analytica article you’re talking about (please provide sources) the once which came after the dossier that Cambridge Analytica had Russian spies? Was written by an intern who only worked for 2 days.
"This was a serious enquiry not some conspiracy bs. " No it really is just bullshit, not the first time MI5 have came up with falsified and doctored information and won’t be the last. Oh and also read this as well, ohhh 97 cense on this disinformation campaign? Wow russia must really be this effective. This calls for 10000% increase in state funded to intelligence agencies wouldn’t you agree?
“Have you actually read that book at all? I doubt you did & if you did then you did not understand it at all. Try again & while you’re learning, go read Zbigniew Brzezinski. Don’t bother me again until you know what you’re talking about & can speak like a grown up.”
No I have not read this book of Zbigniew Brzezinsk, the godfather of western think tanks, you want me to read the perspective of this man? I know what he wants, “Regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” Oh wow you recommended me a book by a guy who’s furious against countries such as Russia and China for not agreeing on his petty little plan for a western world order dictated by capital bankers, managers, and their politicians? He must not be biased at all!
You have spouted nothing but anti-democratic and warmongering belfies this entire jumbled and hardly coherent text you wrote, and the fact you quote and tell me read the creator of western propaganda think tanks proves nothing, I will not read a book attributed by Zbigniew Brzezinsk, a man who had funded and expanded the oligarchic nature of the American presidency, by setting up the trilateral commission. Anyways I find it ironic how you recommend me reading a book of Zbigniew Brzezinsk, a man who actually directs western strategic thinking, no doubt you’ll deny this (or maybe not, you’re very open to being western propagandist mouthpiece), and bring up how dugin has always controlled the Duma legislation and being the ‘putin mind’ utterly childish wording and honestly? just absolute delusion. Your only evidence is this medal he gave to dugin’s daughter, fucking laughable. What next, you’ll tell me osama bin laden had links to Saddam Hussein’s government? You are the type of person who would come up with this shit.
And I really do not care if you fuck off, I’ve already shown to people you’ve wrote nothing meaningful, and contribute dangerous thinking. Your anti-democratic, obvious hatred of non-western countries, the lack of sources (other than the biggest propagandist Zbigniew Brzezinsk), and of course that little condensing tone? Ha are you perhaps affiliated with MI5 itself? Can’t be the case though, if you are their standards are really slipping, and I’ll advise you right now to help you out a bit, you’ll have to change your incoherent rant into something far more understandable.
Unlike you I’ve provided my sources, won’t you do the same? Unless you’ve yet to grow up and accept you’re nothing but a propagandist, spouting stooge.
And while they’re at it, get rid of the BILD for being a large part of how the AfD successfully managed to sell their “we’re the will of the people”-propaganda, because they push their hate lines consistently and ceaselessly.
You can’t get rid of BILD, because of press-freedom. It’s very very difficult. You’re right, if you’re saying they’re a big problem, but they’re not extremistic. If you look at NIUS on the other hand - WTF! NIUS of openly everything, you think BILD is already. There is something big coming and I am really afraid of it. And yes, NIUS is from Reichelt, the guy who was kicked out of BILD.
Germany has a very modern and strong constitution to prevent something like the 3rd Reich coming back.
You’re from germany? Where have you read it? Do you know what happened with the Weimarer Republik? If our secret services warn about it, you should believe it. It’s also not just about the Bundestag, it’s about all institutions. It’s serious.
Let’s hope so. But the adversaries know this too. My growing realisation is that The 3rd Reich or something like it elsewhere, will most likely come back because of a wink, a nudge & a dogwhistle - not a swastika. You can’t protect a country legally, constitutionally or militarily from this. These things are already playing out all over Europe, even in places that never dreamt they’d be dealing with populist, far right parties ceasing to be on the fringe but becoming mainstream - Sweden for example.
Can they please conduct raids here in the US too
God imagine the heads exploding if an EU or UN force raided some hick compound.
Hopefully literally.
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Cause I could shoot you on sight, claim you’re a Nazi, and it’s now on you to defend yourself… from the grave
“Let’s sprinkle some swastikas on him and get outta here”
To be fair, there’s a pretty decent amount of self-identification going on among modern (neo) Nazis.
Because this is not how justice work in modern countries, unless you’re a nazi or a tankie.
More because it would have entailed quite the logistical conundrum as it’s a bit difficult to run a country when most of its citizens are dead.
Complete denazification was kind of a myth actually. It took many decades to prosecute many perpetrators of the Shoa and WW2 on both sides of the Iron Curtain.
…also with what? /s
Demilitarisation was one of the post-war Ds (there are still like 20 million guns in Germany though).
The Punk scene does, kinda. They don’t shoot Nazis, but if Nazis/skinheads/fascists show up, they leave with black eyes, bloody noses, and fewer teeth.
Holocaust 2.0, the revenge of the jews
Electric Boogaloo
Because the opposite of Nazi is rule of law.
This is the best summary I could come up with:
BERLIN (AP) — The German government on Tuesday banned the neo-Nazi group Hammerskins Germany and raided homes of dozens of its members.
During the early morning raids in 10 states, around 700 police officers searched homes of 28 group members.
“According to our findings so far, significant amounts of right-wing extremist devotional objects have been seized in addition to cash,” the minister said.
Ahead of the ban, the German federal and state governments cooperated intensively for more than a year, Faeser said, adding that “we also worked closely with our American partners.”
The purpose of the association Hammerskins Germany is to consolidate its right-wing extremist worldview, particularly through concerts where it tries to appeal to non-members to radicalize them, the ministry said.
“Right-wing extremism remains the greatest extremist threat to the basic democratic order in Germany,” Faeser told reporters in Berlin.
The original article contains 386 words, the summary contains 141 words. Saved 63%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!
Good. No quarter for #fascists.
It’s about time we stopped protecting Nazi politics under the rubric of ‘free speech’.
The countries that don’t do that still have freedom of expression (and they tend to have human rights protections even more expansive than ours), it’s just that it makes no logical sense to hide nazis (whose politics amount to advocating against human rights for particular people) under the skirts of human rights protections.
Interesting how so many nazis have connections with US institutions, after all a Nazi general was the first head of Secretary General of NATO.
Not quite sure what the first “head of Secretary General of NATO” is, but the first"Secretary General of NATO" was Hastings Ismay.
I’m almost interested in hearing the absurd mental gymnastics you used to suggest this guy was a Nazi. Almost.
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Bundesland translates to federal state.
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Where do you get that from?
Their ass.
The Vikings were violent rapist and mass murderers, great username that makes literally no sense. Typical of a nazi incel
Viking is also a colloquial term for all people who live in Scandinavia, which I do. Maybe do your research before making yourself look like an idiot with ridiculous assumptions.
Edit: Oh wait, who am I talking to? Making yourself look like the idiot you obviously are with ridiculous assumptions is the ONLY thing you’ve done in this thread 🤦
Most were farmers, maybe read.
How so? I’m not sure what news you’re talking about right now. You mean the rise of the far-right extremists AfD?
Even if US links were the reason to abolish the organisation, how would that make the German government fascist?
Germany built the Qatar stadium for FIFA. Last time I checked owning slaves makes you a fascist
We are delighted to award the main contract to AlJaber Engineering and Tekfen as a joint-venture
AlJaber Engineering (JEC) is a leading general contractor based in the State of Qatar.
Tekfen Holding A.S. is a Turkey-based holding company
Which German company build the Qatar stadium exactly?
It makes you a POS and part of enslavement society, but fascism needs nationalist mass movements, autocratic leadership cult, cultural isolation and imperialism. For example many colonialising societies (Ancient Greek, Colonial Spain/England) didn’t fit all the criteria, but were enslaving societies.
I believe you, when you say German companies built stadiums in Quatar, but do you have a source for that?
LOL, words have meanings, degenerate.
The nazi self… can we ban this racist a**hole?