Behold: I’m the archvegan!
I want that on a t-shirt! And I’m definitely going to steal it for my slack tagline.
So Arch first?
Got it!
Tell them your an Archvegan. That sounds cool.
Is that higher or lower than Level 5 veganism?
I’m currently using Gentoo. That means I should also grow my own food…
About your Crossfit addiction. The trifecta.
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I don’t volunteer either piece of information, but sooner or later someone is going to overhear me ordering vegan food or see me opening my lunch and the dreaded conversation will have to happen. I wish people would just let me make my own food choices in private without making a big thing about it.
But they feel attacked. They want to continue living in blissful ignorance of how animals are treated or how bad it is for the environment. Same as windows users who don’t want to be reminded what corporate cucks they are. Some even go so far as to become utter bootlickers (see also Elon Musk fanboys)
Yeah, the stereotype drives me nuts. Like, yes, food is a big part of day-to-day life and sometimes I need to explain when asked why I’m not eating if there’s nothing for me at, say, a company event. I try to avoid it as much as possible and just say I’m not hungry.
Oh no… The Arch Vegan is here! Run!
I mean both are great in concept, but man are some folks insufferable to talk to regarding both. Ubuntu, part time vegetarian…
What does part time vegetarian mean? Either you go full vegan or you belong in the trash and the reason why earth is dying. Dont take veganism lightly and respect us for we are your savior and the beacon of light for humanity.
What’s the arch user equivalent of getting asked if a fish is an animal?
What’s the vegan equivalent of getting asked if you use PC or Mac?
Vegan Arch user btw
Also people who use pc as a synonyme for windows. fuck those guys and guydedts.
PS. Macs are also PCs as PC describes the hardware and the usecase unrelated to the producer and the installed os.
Language changes over time and words don’t mean the same thing forever. The entire purpose of language is to communicate. So if you have a Mac and say you are a PC user, you are failing to use language well. Apple themselves helped facilitate that change. It can be less consistent with Linux on a PC, I agree. But language is an evolving meme (as per the original definition of meme, not the cat photos). And to not acknowledge that is like being a young earth creationist with language.
Do you also argue that anyone who is happy is part of the LGBT community?
There’s a bit more subtlety to it than that. The PC architecture that dominates today is a direct descendant of the 1981 IBM Personal Computer, which was made to run DOS and later Wondows. The cultural association makes sense in that context.
I know it’s a completely normal typo that anyone could make, but “Wondows” has just made me a laugh for a good few seconds.
That’s what I get for not using autocorrect 😆
Hi I’m a vegan non binary athiest who uses arch… W… Wait, please don’t leave me! I haven’t told you that I crossfit 3 times a week. WAIT, don’t start running, I haven’t fully showed you how empty and insufferable my personality… Awww, and they’re gone. Oh well, I guess I’ll go tell my neighbor about my vinyl collection again