Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a lifelong disability and one of the most hated disabilities there is. Subjected to the most brutal stereotyping, which claims that narcissists are inherently evil or abusive. The mechanism of NPD is that without unconditional love from one’s parents, one cannot develop unconditional self-love, which is part of a healthy ego. Narcissists were abused by our parents, and as a result have false, fragile, and unstable egos. The inability to withstand normal ego damage such as constructive criticism or friendly banter, is socially isolating and transforms a narcissist’s perception of social life. Worse, hateful stereotypes lead to abuse of narcissists by the public in the form of harassment, social isolation, intimate partner abuse, villification, and ego attacks intentionally designed to take advantage of a narcissist’s disability.
The term “narcissism” entered the public vernacular with Christopher Lasch’s 1979 book The Culture Of Narcissism, which claims that clinically diagnosable narcissism (NPD) is becoming more common and more acceptable in american culture. This kickstarted a wave of self-help books which sold the idea that all your struggles in life are caused by evil disabled people trying to abuse you. Today, websites like Quora continue to sell this narrative, and it is used by politicians to attack their opponents. Throughout all of this nearly 50 year process, anti-NPD propaganda has seeped into the public, leading to common use of the word, including by people unaware that the villification they hear is of disabled people. Many attack “narcissists” without realising the narcissists they’ve been warned about by these books or other zealots are mentally disordered. Others gleefully state that they are fully aware of the connection, and that they do intend to attack the mentally disordered as they believe NPD causes evil.
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Yea not a hate group chief. Narcissism is caused by many different variables not just not being loved enough. The majority of narcissists don’t accept they are narcissists and the very nature of narcissism generally causes harm to those around them. Even self aware narcissists have said there is no cure and they have to develop techniques to help, but it doesn’t create empathy or emotion from nothing. Besides it says fuck narcissism not fuck narcissists so you don’t even know if they are referring to the people or just narcissism in general.
the very nature of narcissism generally causes harm to those around them
No, it doesn’t. The very nature of narcissism causes narcissists to be more vulnerable to social harm. Some narcissists choose to respond to perceived violence with violence in kind, but this choice is not a symptom of the disorder and wouldn’t exist if NPD were properly accommodated.
Besides it says fuck narcissism not fuck narcissists so you don’t even know if they are referring to the people or just narcissism in general.
Ah, so you’d be equally okay with a community called Fuck Autism? Because that seems to be the level of ableist hate you’re operating on.
Go stir up shit somewhere else. I’m not interested in arguing with someone fundamentally not grabbing nuances between different disorders and who just wants to argue for the sake of arguing.
Someone made a very conscious choice to create a community explicitly based on hate. I am a disabled person who has been abused because of the hate that is welcomed on that community. I wish not to be abused by hateful people in the future.
And you believe I am the one who longs for conflict.
Holy victim blaming, batman. You are an absurd caricature of a conservative. The mind boggles as it attempts to comprehend the fact that someone who thinks like you exists. I hope you are either educated, or never allowed into a neurodivergent space again.
Considering I am neurodivergent myself and more knowledgeable than you are obviously. I’m sorry you were abused but having an emotional overreaction isn’t going to do any good. Way to assume my background though, you have zero idea what I have or haven’t gone through so you going after me just shows even more that you aren’t worth discussing with cause someone arguing in bad faith isnt having an honest discussion. Either way I have more important things to do than argue with an angry internet stranger who wants to assume things about me. Have the day you deserve.
Defending narcissists? Hmm, the ones I’ve known are truly awful people. I don’t attack people, but I have a difficult time feeling sympathy towards them.
According to the Mayo Clinic you may be oversimplifying the cause of narcissism as “not being loved enough” when in fact there are multiple potential causes including:
- Environment — parent-child relationships with either too much adoration or too much criticism that don’t match the child’s actual experiences and achievements.
- Genetics — inherited characteristics, such as certain personality traits.
- Neurobiology — the connection between the brain and behavior and thinking.
It’s fine that you advocate not prejudging or discriminating, but overlooking two out of three categories of potential causes is equally disingenuous.
I think the caveat “Child abuse causes NPD if genetic and neurological factors align” to be obvious and irrelevant. Of course child abuse results in different presentations depending on the individual child, that’s why there are 10 personality disorders instead of 1. But I don’t think the fact that I happened to have the genetics that make me respond to abuse with grandiosity instead of with antisocial behaviour is interesting or important. The mechanism I have described holds true for people of my genetic and neurological mechanisms, and it is easy enough to understand without overcomplicating it.
The only reason I can see that someone would pay attention to the genetic component of NPD in a sociological or political discussion is if they wanted to make the argument that narcissism is racial.