to use all available tools and resources to combat the spread of domestic terrorism
I believe there was a gathering a couple years ago that quite proudly proclaimed “We are all domestic terrorists”, maybe we should start there.
This is the bill they’re citing, from January 9th, 2025. It’s 6 pages, read it yourself before getting your information/opinions from Twitter screenshots.
Deeming certain conduct of members of Antifa as domestic
terrorism and designating Antifa as a domestic terrorist
organizationGod damn.
Antifa means everyone that has clashed with conservatives. When actual neo nazis clash with protestors, the fallout is attributed to antifa, and included as evidence of antifas destruction.
They include Black Lives Matter leaders in their evidence of antifa terrorism.
Seems anyone who significantly opposed anyone related to conservative ideology is antifa, and antifa are terrorists.
At least they’re self-aware enough to recognize that they’re fascists? Silver lining?
They probably don’t understand that the fa in antifa means fascism
I’ve seen several conservatives try and claim the “fa” stood for “first amendment” so you’re probably right.
the House of Representatives calls on the Department of Justice— (A) to prosecute these crimes of domestic terrorism (as such term is defined in section 2331 of title 18, United States Code) by Antifa; and (B) to use all available tools and resources to combat the spread of domestic terrorism (as such term is defined in section 2331 of title 18, United States Code) committed by Antifa.
Yes, start here:
What a pity, there are no “members of Antifa”. Renders the whole thing useless, doesn’t it?
It just means that they will slap the label “Antifa” on everyone they want to crush with anti-terror laws. Probably will make them wear armbands for easy identification, but this time around it will be an Anarchy-symbol instead of a Judenstern.
Oh they’ll list you as a member anyways…
What a hoot! Six pages of GOP scary campfire stories, starring oooOOoo The Antifa. And of course it’s the creation of that pathetic Georgia peach pit. This was hilarious! Well worth the read.
Don’t know if I’d use the word hilarious, but certainly revealing of their ongoing misdirection tactics.
Ludicrous? Farcical? While we need to resist the fascist push, it’s also healthy to laugh at the absurdity of these fear-mongering buffoons. They see themselves as powerful influencers, but I just see little clowns scrambling to one-up each other with their fantastical tales. Laughing at them reduces their illusion of control and reveals them for the tiny, grifting cowards they are.
I felt that way at first, but I’m not worried about their illusion of control so much as the seemingly growing apathy towards it. A lot of people voted in this election thinking that they can’t possibly get away with what they want to, but that’s exactly what will give them the power to do it.
Eli Valley still undefeated
T word?
i just noticed how it evaded my filter.
First they came for the trans…
i hate it but it died surprise me
Whereas the extremist organization Antifa is motivated by communism, anarchism, socialism, and violence, and has continuously demonstrated their commitment to lawless- ness and criminal behavior;
Whereas, in response to the 2017 violent riots, an Antifa ex- tremist stated, ‘‘Sometimes you have to use direct action to stop it because protesting, signs, yelling is not going to do anything. You have to make them afraid.’’;
Antifa reduced multiple cities to smoking craters yet the Jan 6th tourists painted the Capitol Building and helped clean up during their peaceful visit.
Antifa is not an organization. You can’t point to Antifa HQ or any kind of national Antifa leadership.
Can you point to the Jan 6 visitors leader or it’s headquarters?
Donald Trump. What a dumb fucking question.
Proud boys were the primary organizers. Also, Trump literally directed them to march on the capitol that day before going to play with ketchup in his bunker.
…going to play with ketchup in his bunker.
This sounds like a sex act but Urban Dictionary doesn’t have an entry on it.
I call that vegan lube.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue…
Proud boys. An actual terriost organization.
NPR is government propaganda.
So where do you get your “facts”?
I have a range of sources including but not limited to cable news programs, YouTube and the homeless guy who lives behind the Circle K near me.
Why do you ask?
I just think it’s curious when people wholesale write off news publications while trying to be factual or unbiased.
LOL. Corpo propaganda? Probably. Government? Nah.
Yeah he’s probably in the white house 69ing ol mate Elon, while his missus does the pool boy
nobody’s trying to ban a “Jan 6th organization” nor prosecute Jan 6th coup participants for terrorism
No. So what?
I was only pointing out the error in that first line.
You didn’t even talk about the one Antifa member who said scary things.
“smoking craters” hahaha
It sounds like you believe Antifa is dangerous. What is fascism? Would you consider yourself pro-fascism?