It’s also possible to play PS5 whilst being to ill to work. In civilised countries, you can (and should) take a couple of days off for minor illnesses - don’t spread that shit at work
I think it’s at least somewhat common in non-US countries. At least from what I’ve seen.
That beep is so distinct. I would recognize it more than the actual startup tune lol
That beep never fails to some how wake my partner from her slumber, down the hall.
There was an update a while ago that lets you turn it off if you want. I’ve almost forgotten it’s sound. Almost.
In the latest update, it added a setting to turn that beep off. It’s glorious.
But I like the beep
Then don’t turn off the beep?
If only my PTO wasn’t deducted every time I take a sick day.
Oof, where is that legal? Usa?
It’s every persons human right to chuck a sickie.
Why does that PS5 has an XBox controller?
Don’t kinkshame!
I’m in a situation where I work only three days a week and get by just fine. As much as I love not having to work 5 days a week, I’m not really feeling “free”. Mostly because I still can’t find to do stuff.