Shit president
Trump’s “vision” for Gaza isn’t innovation—it’s ethnic cleansing repackaged as real estate. Bulldozing 2.3 million Palestinians into Jordan and Egypt isn’t diplomacy; it’s demographic erasure straight from the 1948 playbook. The Nakba never ended—it’s just getting a facelift with billion-dollar bribes and glass skyscrapers.
Jordan’s king plays along, mouthing empty platitudes about “stability” while his country drowns in refugees. This isn’t peace—it’s a land grab. Gaza isn’t a “diamond” to polish. It’s a graveyard of stolen homes, and Trump’s “Riviera” fantasy is just settler colonialism with a timeshare brochure.
They want to rebuilt the Temple Mount so Jesus/the messiah can come. It’s religious doctrine and they believe it’s their work. The cooperation and shared goals of Zionists (jewish people and fundamentalist christians) and Christian Nationalists (white nationalists, secure the future for our children types etc) is interesting and terrifying.
Trump is running his mouth about a Riviera cause real estate is all he knows.
Your point about the Temple Mount is chillingly accurate. The fusion of apocalyptic religious fervor with geopolitical agendas is a dangerous cocktail. These groups don’t just see land; they see prophecy, and that’s what makes their actions so unrelenting. It’s not about coexistence—it’s about fulfilling a narrative where one side must dominate.
The alliance between Zionists and Christian Nationalists is indeed both fascinating and horrifying. It’s a marriage of convenience: one chasing divine promises, the other securing cultural hegemony. And yes, Trump’s obsession with real estate reduces everything to dollars and deals, erasing the humanity of those who live there.
This isn’t just politics; it’s a collision of ideology, greed, and power dressed up as destiny.
The death cult marches ever onward, at least we got cheaper eggs before ushering in the rapture.
oh wait…
Ethnic cleansing for real estate is a story as old as Israel.
You have quite a way with words
Could have had Biden/Harris….but they bad. Let’s vote for the other guy to teach them a lesson.
Ya I’m bitter
Think the main point was, “let’s not, as a population, vote for ANYONE who commits genocide.” But noooooo. That was too much to ask.
Then I guess you have no vote option on this one. Just a choice on bad or worse.
First, our entire system is made up. The fact that we’ve spent centuries entrenching traditions and imaginary institutions around it has no bearing on the fact we could collectively throw it out tomorrow. Second, there were options besides D and R in the election, regardless of whether or not the population collectively chopped its own dick off and decided not to vote for any of them out of paralyzing fear of the other party winning.
nah, you guys fucked up and need to own it
Lol Biden could have stopped the genocide whenever he wanted. The left isn’t in power, sorry he fucked up
Biden didn’t fuck up. Zionism is a genocidal ideology, and Biden is a Zionist. Mission accomplished for ol’ sleepy
I don’t disagree, however if bidens job was to get reelected he fucked up.
Me? Own WHAT? A lifetime of never supporting mass murderers? I’m not the cog in the genocidal system, fuckwad. Own the fucking mass murdering politicians you keep voting for out of your own self-instilled sense of helplessness. A world of people like me actually WORKS. A world of people like you dies in a rapidly approaching nuclear holocaust. And the most insufferable part of all is you actually presuming to speak down on US. That’s a firm “fuck you”, to you, from me.
how’s that working out for ya dumbass?
How’s enabling genocide working out for you? The world is collapsing.
This hideous reality was here before I was born. God knows what will happen to it in my lifetime, but if it goes away, it will be because of the solidarity of the people, not because of cowards continuing to rubber-stamp every crime against humanity the system wants to commit.
“it could have been my team committing the genocide!”
The world needs to take a good hard look at Israel and realize they are repeating history.
I struggle to remember which series it was exactly (obviously prior to 2004). This is a memory I have etched in. My World History teacher in 10th grade gave an overview of the entire year’s curriculum on the first day. She had the class watch a large portion of what I believe was the last episode of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing (possibly it was Victory Gundam; I only watched Fighter G Gundam). By the end she made it very clear that history repeats. That was the theme of her curriculum for the whole school year.
Right now we are seeing history repeat. This time it is the formerly oppressed committing the crimes against humanity and being aided by the rest of the globe. What did Palestine ever do to Israel except seek statehood? Why can’t we leave them alone?
On an unrelated note, that teacher was awesome. I remember the week leading into the lesson on World War I, they staged incidents where select students would pretend to misbehave and not be punished in any way by the teacher. These were elaborate scenes of shouting. The lesson you might ask? Secret alliances.
You might appreciate an addition to the well known phrase:
Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Those who know history are doomed to know that it’s repeating.
I’m trying to decide if Netanyahu suggested this to him or if it’s a surprise? What’s more likely? On the one hand I can understand the idea that Netanyahu after committing genocide and wiping out as many Palestinians as he could is looking for a way to push the blame and the responsibility to someone else. I could absolutely see that. Especially the financial responsibility. On the other hand fascist strongman usually don’t like others coming in and getting the symbolic benefits of what they achieved. I really can’t decide.
Most likely Trump proposed the idea and it fit with Bibi’s plans to get rid of the Palestinians, he just doesn’t have to kill them. I’m sure some combination of Trump, Kushner and/or other developers made plans for this “Riviera of the Middle East”. Probably building models right now if they weren’t already.
To Trump there are no negatives to this plan since the plan is to make money. All he has to do is strongarm another Middle Eastern country, or two or three, to take the Palestinians. He can’t conceive how this will affect the Middle East in general because he doesn’t understand or care.
a bet it’s a string from a donor
It fits on with what I thought would happen when all the genocide Joe people were insisting things couldn’t get worse. Netanyahu has a direct interest in involving the US as deeply as possible into his conflict (yes it can get deeper) while maintaining a stranglehold on US politics . Ultimately this is a short term play. He helped Trump win , but Trump is destabilizing the US to the extent that long-term Israel is going to lose its one absolute ally.
It fits on with what I thought would happen when all the genocide Joe people were insisting things couldn’t get worse.
Biden also tried to facilitate the ethnic cleansing of Gaza by influencing Egypt. We’re still on the same, genocidal Zionist track as we have been.
The end of your comment contradicts its beginning.
We need living space!
Good luck
In other news, Trump puffs out his chest and waves his little dick around some more.
May a cleated boot find it. Repeatedly.
Genocide Joe!
genocide joe walked so trump could run
Why does Egypt fear evacuating Gaza?
Truly I love falling for the same thing for (coming up on) a decade!!
Heh, bet you feel stupid now for criticizing the past president for doing something that the new president is continuing to do, heh. I’m smugly hypocritical and therefore correct.
“No administration has helped Israel more than I have. None. None. None." - Donald Trump (Click to Find Out More!!
Aww, it’s a brand new Russian shill account. Precious!
Thought terminating cliché, unfortunalmente you’re condemned to shut your eyes and plug your ears and scream “Russian propaganda” to avoid confronting how nonsensical your argument is until the end of time. Some reading for self-consciousness:
lol, you guys are all the same. It’s always the same intellectual challenge. “No really, everything you’ve aligned yourself with is incorrect, comrade!”
Get off me.
“Everything I don’t like is Russian and therefore evil (don’t ask how!!), btw I added the word ‘comrade’ to your point and now it’s invalid (RuZZian)!!”
“Everything’s an intellectual challenge with you!! I want to say nonsense that absolves Biden of carrying out genocide because Trump is doing the same thing but being more honest about it without any pushback and this is correct and good because um I can’t really defend my point but still want to make it!!”
Have you heard the saying cut off your nose to spite your face?
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I don’t think we need to listen to the political opinions of a party (or its base) so incompetent they lost to trump twice.
You didn’t give a fuck about Gaza under Biden either.
But you did? How is actual ethnic cleansing better than what happened
They were “actual” ethnic cleansing under Biden too, you were just a genocide denier when it was your team doing it.