It’s called Plasma. Plaaaaaassssmmmaaaaaaaaa.
sudo apt install cool-package
438 dependencies will need to download 1.4 gb ^C ^C ^C ^C ^CYeah that drives me nuts, it’s like I’m installing a flatpak
I don’t even need to install any new packages to get that
sudo zypper dup
992 packages to upgrade, 2 to downgrade, 18 new, 3 to remove.
Package download size: 1.81 GiB
Half the packages are LibQT6something or LibKF6 something lol
That’s right 5.27.12 is out. Ohhhhhh yeeeeeeeeaaaahhhh
Someone uses Debian Stable…
laughs in mxlinux
There’s dozens of you!
There’s dozens of every group. Some millions of dozens, some just one or two dozens.
Where I live, we live life one KDE update at a time.
In mother Russia, KDE lives you!
(I have no idea where you live. This is a joke)
In Russia, mainly people patch KDE2 under FreeBSD.
Very dumb question, but I’m kinda new to Linux. Do I have to manually update that or does it just do it when I update packages and the like? I’m on Arch btw.
Arch btw
What’s so funny? Like I said, I’m new to Linux.
You may think you’re new…but clearly you have the spirit of a Linux veteran.
“I use Arch BTW” is a meme in the Linux community. It reflects the perceived urge of Arch users to boast about using it.
Welcome to Linux :)
Then Arch is kind of a terrible choice for you. I use it (btw), but I’ve been using linux since 2008.
The learning curve and constant need to troubleshoot things isn’t great for beginners.
EDIT: can someone explain why I’m getting downvoted? Isn’t this common knowledge that Mint and other begginner-friendly distros that don’t have complicated package managers and require less configuration and maintenance are better for someone who’s just starting with Linux?
I myself began with Ubuntu back in '08 but nowadays use both Arch and Mint.
That’s one of the reasons I chose arch. Because of the difficulty i can’t take shortcuts or be lazy and have to actually learn. When I tried something like Pop_OS I definitely enjoyed it but didn’t really learn anything because it was all done for me.
Well then that’s a great approach and more power to you. Enjoy Linux!
Arch Linux can be a bit overwhelming for newbies when trying out for the first time. Hey if you are comfortable with it then so be it. But if you have tried other friendly distros before this you can get an understanding of different package managers, arch packages, AUR etc. And to answer the question if you installed KDE through pacman or AUR helper, then it will be updated automatically when you update other packages through it.
It does it automatically.
But make sure to read the Arch news before every update, especially when it’s a lot of packages. Something big like a new KDE Release might require minor manual intervention.I’m more of an “update first, care later” type of person
And it works great, 100% recommended to newbies
Oh and make a separate home partition, just in case
No separate home needed, just save important files in your nextcloud server
A separate harddrive for backups is lost technology apparently.
Yes 😆
The server runs arch too x)
There’s no way you’re so new to Linux that you wouldn’t know if that would update automatically yet you’re running Arch btw. That’s like saying, “Do I need to do oil changes on my car? I built my engine, btw.”
all you have to do to “run” arch is type out some lines from a YouTube video and press enter. With all the people saying “Arch! Arch!” at every corner it’s totally understandable that someone would try it and still be confused on basic stuff.
Amateurs. Mate > KDE.
Mate is really nice, I was always a fan. (Although XFCE is nice too). However, I dont believe it has support for Wayland yet?
I think LXDE has Wayland now but I haven’t tried it.
Me who uses GNOME on Debian stable
I’ve tried really hard to like GNOME, but god damn we don’t get along. Debian 12 is solid AF though.
I have tried both kde and gnome many times and i can’t stand either one. I’m forever stuck in cinnamon.
somehow every distro that ships with kde has tons of big bugs that I can’t figure out (probably related to my setup), and gnome feels like a tablet UI. cinnamon won’t autosuspend but it’s the smallest headache of these…
I found that for me installing KDE Plasma on Mint is peak. I’m using it like this since the Mint 22 Beta.
I have actually been itching to do that, but I read that it messes up cinnamon so there’s no going back and I don’t have the time to do a full reinstall now. btw what happens to all the software you have installed? do they stay and still work properly?
I have no clue what the issues are with Cinnamon getting messed up, but mine works just fine still. Even went back to using it for a bit when changing my monitor setup broke KDE for a bit (some poller service wasn’t getting the responses it was expecting and it kept messing up the resolutions and disconnecting one of them until I figured it out and turned it off)
kde is bloated. lagging with 8gb ram
KDE can work fine in 4GB. GPU and CPU matter much more. What is your GPU?
it’s an old and weak nvidia gtx 1650 max-q
You ran it in virtualbox which was the problem.
Feel free to download this badass ram
yOu WouLdNT doWnLoAd A cAR
Specify your cpu too. Mine is also 8gb ram and its smooth as fuck and uses like 2~3 gb max
i tried it in Virtualbox, vt-d and extension pack enabled, as well as 3d accelration and hardware accelratiom, pae/nx. 4 logical cores of i5-9300h
Well i didn’t do it in a vm tho. Try on bare metal or in a live usb/ventoy. I daily drive it on 8gb ram with ryzen 5600H and is super smooth. There might be something on vm that hinders performance
propably vt-d and windows 11 as host are the problems. To install Linux, i need to take apart my laptop and install a sata ssd
Or just don’t install it but only raw run it under live usb? You can skip the installer and play with it
You should check out WSL. Might be a bit faster than vm
i tried wsl but didn’t work, no matter what i tried