It was never about ‘criminals.’ It was about creating an ‘other’ underclass that can’t fight back, and persecuting them to draw attention and focus away from the real problems.
Legal or illegal migrants. That’s the only distinction that matters. Illegal? Bye!
Carlos was in the US legally. He followed the rules, entering the US under a government asylum program.
“He came to the U.S. from Venezuela in November through CBP One, a mobile app created by the federal government used by asylum seekers to schedule an appointment in the U.S.-Mexico border. Migrants who secured an appointment were allowed in the country temporarily while they await their immigration hearing.”
Shit happens during major change, the important part is that change is happening in a positive direction.
A leaked memo from the DOJ has them approving the death penalty for people without papers and that’s a positive direction to you?
I hope your head rots on a pike.
Of course you would, terrible people say stuff like that.