I have a pretty recent thinkpad that supposedly has “military grade durability”. The plastic is literally falling apart at the corners after 2 years, and my fan grille is gone.
Fucking lenovo
Military grade is bullshit marketing. Basically anything is military grade
Military grade is code for “cheapest bidder”
Military grade means literally nothing. Actual military equipment is “mil spec”, and not something the average consumer needs, or can afford, in most cases.
Even when military spec equipment is made by the lowest bidder, this stuff still has to be blast proof, bullet proof, work from -60°C to +85°C, be water/dust resistant, and many other requirements depending on what is being made.
You can definitely get plenty of Mil spec shit, just not what you really expect. My hat is a Swedish army cap worn by some dude named Albert Kempf in Tunisia circa 1991.
Fair enough, I was thinking more in the direction of electronics, mechanics, etc
I also have a 1960s wire field phone that they would use in Vietnam. I am still trying to figure out how to get it working with an Aux jack.
It depends, sometimes milspec is very demanding. For example, crayons need to be non-toxic even if you eat the entire box.
“Military grade” means that it went through one extra round of inspection before it was sent out as far as I’m aware. This round of inspection is basically just putting it through certain weather conditions to simulate “will this survive a deployment”
literally Military Grade is just marketing fluff with no standard. Mil-Spec is the real term for meeting military specifications. think ceramic and gold instead of plastic and tin for computer chips.
Okay I just double checked and you’re totally right. When I was in the military someone had told me there was actually regulations around “military grade” and they were just different from milspec. Technically military grade is supposed to refer to milspec but in the private world they don’t check if it’s actually true or not
I guess aircraft-grade aluminum isn’t good enough anymore.
Sounds military grade to me.
Which Thinkpad do you have? The “Thinkpad” line has been expanded to basically all professional grade laptops now.
the x131e is definitely not professional grade
No, none of the X line are. I really like the L line of Thinkpads. Those are still pretty solid and reparable.
IBM would’ve never
Sell their product to lenovo?
No? They did that.
Sorry, if you were making a joke it flew right over my head, lol
I think it was a joke.
I hope they used the official Apple cleaning cloth that’s certified compatible with that model of MacBook
Apple Cleaning Cloth Pro, coming this October
Normal: too small size to be useful, have apple logo
Pro: super expensive, includes 6 gallons of cleaning fluids, is enormous, logo in gold
Actual gold, so it actively scratches your device; Apple Support blames you for it.
299.99$ and can connect with the cloud
ThinkPad is a work tool. MacBook is a fashion statement.
Not where I work. My thinkpad is managed by the understaffed IT department, and is severely crippled by clownstrike and other garbage and bloatware. Linux is not allowed, only windows.
But my colleagues who chose a MacBook don’t have all that crap because said IT department haven’t figured out how to remotely manage Macs yet…
It was sad when my work figured out how to lock down the Mac’s. It’s not too restrictive, but it’s more than nothing.
Yeah, the firmware lock is some crazy bullshit. My old job was dissolved which means I get to have a perfectly usable iMac but… oh wait. I can’t do anything with it because of the firmware lock and I can’t return it because the company literally shuttered. So, I keep it for the day that MAYBE I will be able to use it. LOL
MacBook user:
omfg, my MacBook got that big scratch. Gonna buy a new one then
ThinkPad user:
draws ThinkPad logo on the back using scratches
Love it
Essentially average MacBook fan vs average ThinkPad enjoyer
Mine is covered in stickers.
If your Thinkpad isn’t covered in stickers, is it really a Thinkpad?
The hot rod flames make it go faster
The stickers hold it together!
Structural stickers
Never regretted a purchase more than my macbook after visiting their subreddits.
I got a MacBook for free and I regretted even that. Someone spent money on it, what a waste, even if it wasn’t me. I have a refurbished ThinkPad now and I love that one.
That’s all I’ll buy laptop wise. I’d be a fool to buy a new laptop for my use case.
Give me an off lease Thinkpad with no SSD
I’ll furnish my own drive and OS.
I thought of getting a laptop from tuxedocomputers, the original reason I got a mac was I was fed up with windows, my last laptop was toast, and needed something asap, that i didn’t need a time investment to use since uni courses were starting soon. Learning there’s a company that makes fair priced, built for linux machines with their own distro, that now seems like the perfect device for me.
The one good thing about macs is they don’t loose that much value, so I can resell it and buy something other than a mac
My MacBook survived after I left it on top of my car as I drove off. It was flung off into a pedestrian area at the first intersection and has a nice dent on the corner.
It’s so funny to see how macbooks are either super durable, or die from the smallest dust particles. My dad’s macbook fell down 3 flights of stairs, and embedded itself into the wood floor boards at the bottom floor. There’s not even a scratch on it even though if fell from pretty high up.
And my mother’s macbook dies every year because dust ends up in between the display cable which then punctures it when the lid is closed
That’s Apple engineering for you: 60 percent of the time it works every time. I grew up with Apple products and the company’s history is lined with head-scratching design choices. It’s been like that since the Lisa.
I like repairable, self-built desktop PCs myself. But for work, the MacBook has been a tank.
Nobody cares about thinkpads getting scratched up because the shell shows fingerprints like a motherfucker.
I love my Thinkpads though…namely because I use Linux at home and I’m cheap about laptops…used T-series is probably the best cheap Linux laptop, in general.
i don’t worry about scratching them because they already came scratched used
Apple: The Gucci of the tech world.
I have a thinkpad in the late 90s and it still boots up till this day. I added more memory and added an SSD and a fresh set of batteries. This shit just won’t die.
The actual IBM ones from before Lenovo bought the company, the fat ones, those were fucking tanks. I remember using them in middle school, they were the best.
Who cares about scratches on the outside?
Idk how scratch-prone the post-touchbar models are, but I’ve had a series of MBPs that I’ve been profoundly uncareful with and never had a problem.
Used a 2009 model until 2016, no scratches. 2016 model that I use to this very day, no scratches. 2017 I used for work until 2019, I ran it across an exposed screw-tip on a broken desk and it left a line you could see if you held it just right to reflect a light, but I can’t imagine anything shrugging that off. 2019 model I used for work until a month ago, no scratches.
Meanwhile, the other devices that have coexisted in the same backpack have not done as well. Dented USB hub, dented dock, broken screen on an Android device, shattered screen protector on another device.
Edit: That said, I did just buy a Thinkpad to derp around with NixOS on, so I can compare and report back in a couple of years if anyone wants.
11/10, that’s so hot! I can fry eggs on it!
Think(pad) different.