Recaldent, in grape flavour. Has CPP-ACP, for bonus reparative material.
Recaldent, in grape flavour. Has CPP-ACP, for bonus reparative material.
They also deliberately use fire to smoke out prey. The phenomenon calls them “Australian Firehawks”.
Not when all your other mates all tried the same thing, then flipped completely.
The world when you grew up was filled with men doing this exact thing, the concept of the friend zone has been around forever and even before that, women didn’t really have a choice.
Plenty of men who didn’t take no for an answer, and wore down the woman until they said yes.
Lithium has a continuous scrolling option.
Some of the ranches are big enough they do have helicopters. It’s not impossible.
I was thinking of this dude:'s_fast
What a cracker of a question!
Short answer, yes.
Long answer, what sorts of side effects happen as a result of said medication? I don’t think there’s a single medication or even supplement out there that doesn’t have some sort of side effect (e.g., ibuprofen can cause gut bleeding, iron supplements can lead to constipation, grapefruit can screw with all sorts of medications), so balancing the cost benefit ratio is important.
As other comments have said, deal with the origin of the pain first, THEN…
If it’s bad enough to take meds but not too bad, then one 500mg paracetamol and 200mg ibuprofen (my go to for pain). The paracetamol will generally be one with some caffeine in it.
If it’s a BAD headache, then 900mg aspirin.
I do have a headache hat which is kept in the fridge.
Megan MacKenzie, the more junior author (at the time a senior lecturer), received calls threatening her with consequences for her career.
Why only mention the more junior author? Did the senior authors not get targeted? Did they receive different threats? There’s definitely an implication here and I’d rather not assume… :/
And how “funny” - when “outed” (and were they?) for being biased, the reaction was to be an absolute turd? Ugh.
Don’t get into stranger’s cars, and don’t give out your real name or number or address on the internet.
Now you do most of these things when you call an uber. 😅
For anyone worried about this, you can ask for a bite block.
Get a proper sleep study, see an ENT and sleep physician, if you are overweight lose some, sleep on your side.
Snoring is produced by soft tissues vibrating when they flop where they shouldn’t (i.e., blocking airway).
It is thus indicative of reduced airflow, which can result in negative health outcomes - including yes, brain damage. The full condition is called obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), but there are other conditions like upper airway resistive syndrome.
From the pictures I see online, it looks like an over the counter mandibular advancement splint (MAS). MAS are used for management of OSA, but only per the prescription of a sleep physician, who needs the results from a sleep study as well as an examination of the patient.
Not all OSA sufferers will tolerate let alone benefit from a MAS. There are drawbacks and side effects with a MAS that may not be discussed with all patients, let alone purchasers of an OTC product.
I have a custom fitted one, and even as someone in the industry, I find there are certainly limitations to it.
Putting aside whether it’s normal for you to be experiencing aging so early*, you should still see another PCP because they didn’t manage your actual concern: “I am experiencing issues functioning day to day life, and would like a plan to manage this”.
It would have been one thing if the doctor had said “yup, just you, so let’s get you into an assisted living arrangement now”, or “I’m fairly certain this is just your shitty genes, but to rule out anything else, let’s send you for X tests and see the Y specialist”.
From your post, it doesn’t sound like that was the case.
*The joke goes that after thirty you don’t get injured, you get permanent disabilities.
As someone in dental, I’m crying about your teeth. That’s a lot of acidity to be putting in your mouth.
I don’t actually own any of their products but the bbq community generally speaks very highly of it. I figure whenever my current SV stick dies (not an ANOVA, it’s a knockoff from Aldi lol), I need a backup so I’ve kept an eye on the market…
Guess inkbird are going to get recommended a lot more…
The lighting systems for Lego kits use teeny tiny LEDs and use very thin cables. Perhaps there are generic options available?
I just googled miniatures LED and some leads popped up for me.
Once you’ve spat out as much as possible, it’s not a foaming mess, just a smear.
Many toothpastes don’t foam either.
If you dislike not rinsing at all, my tip is to brush, rinse, then smear a very small amount of fresh toothpaste on.
“If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
-Desmond Tutu