Around the Raspberry 5 or lower level from what I read. More for developers than for practical use, but then again, I don’t have real world experience with it.
Around the Raspberry 5 or lower level from what I read. More for developers than for practical use, but then again, I don’t have real world experience with it.
Those who are (wisely) suggesting snapshots, do you guys use a different partitions for data and OS? Because if you do revert to an older snapshot after a while, you’d loose new data, too (unless you recover it from current state)?
Sure, cave just like Mexico and give orange bully more confidence in blackmailing. WCGW?
Adding Venezuelans to the long list of people thrown under the bus by US after “helping” them.
Even with Linux it wouldn’t be that safe, if apps were doing this crap.
I bet diversity people control the Congress! /s
So what? Trump will annex Australia because every Australian wants that and then will pardon them.
Found Netanyahu ^
For now. But the trend is depressing and eventually it won’t be profitable for anybody and one day there will be no more disc drives to buy.
Just read few posts above that Blue ray is done with Sony shutting down last factory for drives. I guess it’s time to stock drives 🤷♂️
Yet both stores removed the app. Also there could be fines if they didn’t comply I guess.
No, it’s not, at least not at scale, because you need specific geography and plenty of water. Why do you think we are not massively using it?
Enlighten us with better approach. Also there are battery types that are less flammable.
Edit: is -> us
Bring back NNTP!
Why die, though? There are open source and federated alternatives or there.
He should and he should rot in prison for whatever life he still has, but who would enforce it?
Right, and if somebody wants a bigger one, just buy dutch tape. Colors? No problem, just buy crayons. /s
Yep, that made sense when it was a “mere” microcontroller, but in computerland it’s not the best option. Actually it’s bad. There are add-ons that can be attached, but I doubt you can stuff them in there.
Borked my search providers on Windows 10. None are listed in settings and address bar won’t search. Luckily duckduckgo icon to the right of address bars provides search input field. A little annoying.