No. YOU hide your head in a bag, Senator. You’re an embarrassment to your state.
No. YOU hide your head in a bag, Senator. You’re an embarrassment to your state.
If your union leaders haven’t figured out by now that Trump is bad for unions, then they are either idiots, or they are working for someone else (not YOU). Either way, you need new leadership.
The owner class has finally figured out that having the Dynamite Monkey for president would be bad for business.
Why is his kid in Jamaica? Are there no care facilities in Kentucky?
Guys like Miller can’t understand the idea of self-sacrifice if there’s no money or personal gain to be had, later. He’s frustrated because he can’t figure out the “angle” and it’s no more complicated than for the good of the nation. And that’s a completely alien idea to him.
Why is anyone still on, “The Social Media Platform Formerly Known As Twitter” ?
Remember this the next time Forbes publishes some feel-good article about how “household income is keeping up with inflation.”
A few decades ago, only a single wage earner was needed to keep up with inflation. Now the “household income” includes everyone in it except the family dog. So financially, you might be keeping up, but the quality of life for everyone in the household is going down.
You ARE required to identify yourself. Beyond that, you don’t have to answer any questions.
Sadly, News media has been consolidating for the last 50 years. In the 1980s, every tv/radio station was ultimately owned by one of about 40 companies. Today, they’re all owned by SIX.
It is now owned by six billionaires and their families. And if those six people decide that something isn’t going to be talked about, then it won’t be talked about.
Don’t rely on corporations to protect your privacy. Ever. Use freeware and open-source software to protect it yourself.
There’s also no mention whether the victim’s fingerprints were on the two knives that the cops “found” in his vehicle. I going to bet there are NO fingerprints on either knife.
If billionaires didn’t care what we thought, they wouldn’t be using their news corps 24 hours a day to distract us about where the REAL source of our pain comes from.