I often thought it’d be cool to have founding legal documents available in a source control system that was available to everyone.
Being willing to commit property destruction is a minimum requirement of a union imo.
Yeah, you don’t have to be gay just to be able to admire art.
Well are you? I don’t see any proof you’re trying to deny it.
That really clashes with the reality of how truck bros actually park. Or does it…?
How do our brains process reality? Like this.
Take that back, Chick Tracts are gold.
I believe the average American inmate is more likely to want a Bible than a Quran.
Probably because your brain subconsciously does color correction (similar to optical illusions) that you don’t notice until you have a direct comparison.
People who like talking and listening I suppose. Then just click the mute button on someone’s name if they’re being abusive.
Yeah, I definitely get that. Even so, sometimes I think it’d be nice to talk to people for more clarity. Maybe voice chats would require a moderator to start them and stay there to facilitate the conversation?
I don’t think solid state batteries provide as much benefit in smaller devices.
I don’t let what other people do ruin my happiness. If I’m happy with the work I’m doing and the amount I’m getting paid then I really don’t care what other people do.
Mystery exists outside of the simple world of “good” and “bad”.
Ah… Yeah. Idk. If I was god I’d make it so anyone who wanted to find me could find me through any path regardless of where they started at. Assuming “god” exists and is at least that benevolent then there’s nothing to worry about regardless of your religion.
I think if god exists it would design a system that would lead you to it if you wanted to find it. In which case religion wouldn’t have to be the only way to find god.
But I suppose I should ask what do you mean by the “way to god”?
I have a salaried work from home job with no defined working hours. As long as the work gets done within SLAs the hours me and my team work are irrelevant.
They definitely abandoned the “do one thing well” philosophy.
If you want more art from this artist https://megrocks.com/