I don’t get it. Can you show me how? Ideally on Washington
I don’t get it. Can you show me how? Ideally on Washington
Being kink shamed is your kink?
That’s also OK, you weirdo /s
That’s OK. We don’t do kink shaming here.
Download the model and run locally is the most secure and privacy friendly way to use it.
It’s absurd how little they know about what they are doing.
Being open weights, if I, resident of Ijustmadeitupista n take it and make a very slight tweak, would it be OK for this rule?
And, if my pal from China takes a US open model and tweaks it to criticize CCP, will it be banned?
I honestly think politicians should think just a bit before trying to legislate things they clearly don’t understand.
Official company announcement, not only personal one.
Proton has position itself as a service for those who want to avoid big tech spying on them and unfair government prosecution. It is then very charring that they officially support a party that is trying to go out of their way to reduce women/lgbtq rights and invited the whole cabal of big tech as guests of honor to the innaguration.
If their mission and their messages do not align, it’s normal that customers are concerned.
I would be concerned of they officially supported any other party, but this case is specially outrageous.
Be a bit practical here people, Imagine the right-wingers saying “Oh no, he donated to left wingers, reeeeeeeee”
This might be sarcasm right? They went full reeee with Nike, Gillette, Budweiser, Costco…
To be frank, it’s a bad take. Even if we can test that censors messages against CCP, that doesn’t mean we know everything it censors. Same with any other LLM.
Also there’s censorship, when the novel is instructed to follow a line, and training bias, when the model has selected training data. That too happens with all LLMs.
There will never be a “free speech and unbiased” LLM, but that is true of people too.
Just treat LLMs as what a random person tells you on the internet.
The way I understood it, it’s much more efficient so it should require less hardware.
Nvidia will sell that hardware, an obscene amount of it, and line will go up. But it will go up slower than nvidia expected because anything other than infinite and always accelerating growth means you’re not good at business.
First paragraph is something I believe some people will say unironically.
Netflix was convenient, so was worth the cost. A 4K account with a few friends was just a few euros a month and had almost everything.
Now it’s more expensive, can’t share and I still need to download 75% of the things I want, so now arr + jellyseer is more convenient.
If somebody tries, and fails, to rape, I will still call them rapist.
Can’t argue with that.
I don’t even want to joke about this anymore.
Stay strong and resist folks.
6.8 billion annually… Isn’t that close to the daily defense budget? And 10 times less than Trumps shitcoin?
It sounds actually cheap, and US only paid 1/5 of that
“Right, it should be a hundred ninety and six”
*my dumb brain after reading your first sentence quick translating from Spanish.
There’s no IRL data for the specific model I’ve described,
This is feelings based. Thanks for clarifying.
Hbomb has new videos? Last one was a year ago, haven’t seen anything new
deleted by creator
Feelings based or data driven opinion?
Just make it non authoritarian and that will enrage them.