If he’s caught he should be tried fairly
Ha! He killed someone from the ruling class. That trial is going to be in such a kangaroo court.
For those unfamiliar: A kangaroo court may ignore due process and come to a predetermined conclusion. (Wikipedia)
Another definition: a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted (Merriam-Webster)
How many people do cops murder in cold blood each year?
A lot.
How many billionaires have cops ever murdered in cold blood?
It’s almost as if liberals aren’t the monolithic entity that you thought they were. It might be possible that they are a group of diverse individuals with differing opinions.
*Edit: I see you quietly edited your comment after I made my comment. Classic.
That’s pretty much how most modern, corporate news outlets operate: irresponsibly.
“This website is age restricted. Click ‘Ok’ to confirm your age.”
Like that ever worked for porn.
“Oh, no! I’m not old enough for this site. I better not proceed.”
OMG just no.
Yes. That’s probably one of the reasons.