Have you got something to read up on regarding comparisons of energy consumption? Sounds really interesting, but I know close to jack shit about this.
Have you got something to read up on regarding comparisons of energy consumption? Sounds really interesting, but I know close to jack shit about this.
Thank you for putting all of this so succintly. I’m not into teaching, but I’ve done a few workshops and I always struggle to express the attitude you described to get the pupils engaged.
I had this same attitude when I was a student. Even though my professors were older and more knowledgable, I always tried to approach them as peers and it worked out great. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but because I talked, I could use my strengths better because I was more aware of the expectations and requirements than a portion of other students.
I saw them live circa 2016, amazing band. Very energetic.
I’ll try reading this, I could really do with a fresh perspective. Just commenting so I can find the thread later.
Gonna downvote you here bröder and chip in with the people defending Apple’s products while recognizing that Apple did go through a lawsuit and that they did indeed participate in this shady-ass practice. Whether they still do - who knows, we live in a funny age.
From personal experience, not only is the build quality superior but they do last pretty long. I’ve got 3 devices personally and have had experience with many more.
My SE that’s old as hell now. I’m not gonna say it runs every app just fine, but the OS functions just fine. I use it as a music player now tho and iPhone 14 as my phone.
SE2 was shit, I’ll admit.
I bought M1 Air when they just came out - it has barely slowed down. Admittedly, it was after my 12 year old Acer plastic clunker decided to not wake up one day.
I also just recently used a friend’s pretty ancient iPad for Procreate and that worked just fine as well.
If someone’s looking for great UI/UX out of the box and great industrial design, what other alternatives are there besides Apple? At least for smartphones there are none. If someone did put a really nice feeling (physically) smartphone in front of me and said: “hey, you can switch everything off with hardware switches and all the apps you’re used to are supported plus the UI and the camera is competent”, I might jump, maybe. Depending on how I could manage my workflow with Linux bc I’m not going to Windows and in this hypothetical scenario if I’m jumping Apple, I’m jumping everything not just the phone.
All that said, I have been giving a thought to all of this for some time and as soon as the time is right for me, I will switch, out of principle. I would love to be able to run some other OS on Apple phone hardware tho.
As sad as it is, this is the realest take in the thread.
Honestly, I’ve no idea what could dislodge the current social media giants. X [now XXX] seems to be doing a decent enough job at losing users, but besides that cesspit of a site, there are no indicators that the others are going anywhere anytime soon.
Facebook might be the next in line after X tho, just because the user base will literally die off.
How’s the performance, size and features compared to Premiere?
I find Premiere to be a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes and pretty slow, but I didn’t like Davinci + I’m paying for Adobe anyway.
It’s a man’s job to grill.
I mostly let my girlfriend do that. I trust her way more with food than I trust myself.
I usually just get the fire started.
I’ve massively slowed down and passed the reins to a new admin, but I’ve been documenting and posting the graffiti scene in my city for 12 years. Started on Tumblr, migrated to Facebook and now it’s on Instagram.
Care to share?
I haven’t been on dA for at least 10 years. I used to upload to Flickr regularly, but now everything I post is on IG and I keep telling myself I will make a photo portfolio someday.
What makes a good portfolio? I feel like I’m constantly lying and it’s a pain in the ass to find clients, even though I’m confident in my technical skills.
I like this as a way of rubberducking. Not on the internet though. Don’t argue with stupid on the internet.
The Count of Monte Cristo
I know this yet I still do it. I guess this should be preceeded by “gauge your entry speed”.
This is really interesting and a good way to think about a bunch of things. I’ll try it out. I do pay some attention to processes, but not to granular detail.
This is a very rationalistic worldview though. Surely you don’t look at everything as a process?
I am “the other market” haha. But even in Europe it’s mostly Tesla’s that you see. At least in the parts that I’ve lived in.
The American truck culture is weird to me.
Someone more educated, please explain to me, why it’s impossible to just take the existing industry, take all the know how and engineering and direct efforts into electrifying (converting) existing cars instead of building new ones.
If the world was perfect and there was no nuance, no bad actors, no human factor involved - would it be a viable solution to cut back on the emissions without getting rid of the comfort that a car affords?
For example cameras have been weatherproof for decades now. And you can both change the batteries and plug a bunch of stuff in them no problem.
I would probably call it something like Нахуящик. I think it would resonate better with local audiences.