• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I hired a nutritionist for a while specifically for soccer. She sent me a chart, that I don’t have handy of course that basically gives you a 4 hour window of how to eat.

    4 hours before, a medium amount of low fat protein and a large amount of carbs. Add a bit of sodium/potassium.

    3hours before less protein about the same carbs.

    2hours before no protein only carbs

    1 hour if you have too, only carbs. Example here is granola, or edamame.

    In all cases it’s easier to avoid meat based protein before, as they are too high in fat.

    Post game eat a large amount of protein and a large amount of carbs. Replace your electrolytes with something like coconut water as it has a lot more than gatorade. (Magnesium for example)

    Personal examples, Ive found these fig bars from Costco that have 3g fiber and 3g protein, are small so they fit in my gym bag easy. I’ll eat them pre gane, and these wafer protein bars that actually taste good for post game. If I remember I’ll edit the post for them. Body Armor literally from costco, is the best sports drink I’ve found, minimal sugar, tastes fine and has the most electrolytes diversity.