I’m so glad I work in an industry where I can get away with using Libre Office.
I’m so glad I work in an industry where I can get away with using Libre Office.
If she only uses the browser and texting, whats to learn that’s different?
I actually push my family members to buy Apple products because then I dont have to provide tech support but tbh if their usage is just tapping on like 3 different icons, there’s really no difference between the two from a UI point of view. And a mid-range Android phone that allows you to tape those 3 icons is probably 1/5th the cost of an iPhone.
99/2000ish i suspect? It was an Optus@Home cable connection when “netstats” was still used. It was sold as an “unlimited” plan, but really it was 10x the average download of your node.
For us, it really was unlimited because we were the only people on our node for ages. As more people connected, we started hitting the limit pretty regular.
You could also spy on your net neighbours usage because the cable modem logging (available via telnet and a default username and password) showed every connection on your node. Not sure of the technical side of this - I think because cable was in a daisy chain from node to properties and back?
Because we were early adopters, sending +++ATH0 in ping packets was super effective too heh.
… to Android
I have a slightly unique version of this.
When I was in high school, one of the maths teachers had printed out pi to 100+ digits on tractor feed paper (FYI I am old) and run it around the top of the classroom as a nerdy bit of cornice or whatever.
Because I was so insanely clever(…), I decided to memorise pi to 20 digits to use as my school login password, being about the maximum length password you could have.
Unbeknownst to me, whoever printed it had left one of the pieces of the tractor feed folded over on itself when they hung it up, leaving out a section of the first 20 digits.
I used that password all through school, thinking i was so clever. Until i tried to unrelatedly show off my knowledge of pi and found I’d learned the wrong digits.
I still remember that password / pi to 20 wrong digits. On the one hand, what a waste of brain space. On the other hand, pretty secure password I guess?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I enjoyed 90s Nissans when they made fun cars.
Surprised at how many people are in love with Honda. They’re either annoyingly loud and slow Civics driven by young people with backwards caps, or by old people in sensible sedans like the Accord which are also slow but at least they aren’t loud.
It’s what Wunderlist used to be like before Microsoft bought them and buggered it up, but keeps getting improvements.
I’ve always thought that mold is the fungus, and to mould is to shape.
I actually do this too. Not because I think it’s correct as such, but because that way I am consistent and I know what I’m talking about when I read back previous text that I’ve written.
I remember it by Mold = simplified English = simple organism.
I’ve been using FX File Explorer since 2012. It’s straight up the best file manager on Android, especially when you use SMB and SFTP. Multi window makes moving things around easy as, and the built in text editor works a treat. Being able to share images from apps to FX’s “Save As” option is awesome to. It means every app can save where you want.
No idea why it isn’t more popular compared to the alternatives.
I use hysteresis daily… Refrigeration.
I would also like to die on this hill.
Lemmings is dumb. Lamingtons is rad.
Later, the name hashtags, in American English this symbol #️⃣ was
alwaysbest known as the pound key. It was also known as an Octothorpe.
The first time I learned of its American naming was the classic “pound quake 3 arena” audio clip from the #quake3arena IRC channel.
“Uhhhhhh pound quake 3 arena”
“… What the hell was that?”
… And my axe!
Edit: I said the funny line, updoots to the just please
I prefer to argue on the internet via my phone, which I can type pretty fast on thanks to the swipe to type
I’m the opposite… I rarely reply when I’m on my phone because swiping and tapping away at the touchscreen keyboard is so slow and inaccurate. I spend more time correcting swypos than I do writing I think.
Meanwhile on the desktop I can punch out a shining example of wit (or at least a spoonerism of that) at 100+ wpm at 100% accuracy.
Sent from my phone, slowly.
Pretty much never. Direct family only really.
Talking is for IRL, or actually urgent things. Everything else is a message or email.
Don’t ring me to discuss an email.
After reading the site, I’m still not entirely sure how to use it.
Is there a decent demo site somewhere? The examples they show are very simplistic
I can’t set a reminder.
I said “Hey Google, set a reminder to feed the dog at 9am tomorrow” and it seems to work fine?
The one in my hand with a silicon case feels fine. Camera bump is only obnoxiously noticeable when it’s naked.
That’s some vintage memeing