legit, but I’m pretty sure the big hunk of potato behind the clam is making it look bigger than it is.
legit, but I’m pretty sure the big hunk of potato behind the clam is making it look bigger than it is.
Definitely not you, they absolutely do this with snaps and have for a while. This was the main reason I stopped using Ubuntu.
I’ve seen a few caps like this, maybe not more impractical. I think it is asking to rip the stem right out of the switch or tear the whole socket out, but hey, what do i know?
I was always a fan of crunchbang when I used a couple of eee pcs as servers. It ran very light.
My “rack” consisted entirely of old laptops, two of which were eeepcs, for years and it worked great. I replaced them all with a single NUC later heh
If wanting to have cool oscilloscopes and blinkenlights is wrong then I don’t want to be right.
It clearly takes a lot of work to hack the planet :)
To be even more leet, check out the included screensaver “Gibson”. You can hack the Gibson to find the garbage file like a one of the true Hackers ™.
I’d also like to know what model tablet OP is using, or what anyone else has been having success with.
This is a tough one, because to me “ricing” or “riced out” carries additional negative undertones (racism aside). I have always heard it used in a way implying that it was referencing enhancements done in a cheap or gaudy/classless way. Think of the most Razer-like LED adorned gaming PC setup, that could have easily been described as being “riced up”.
I think the phrase “decked out” works OK, and seems to also lack the negative connotation, which may or not be in line with the goal here.
Also, seeing your example ideas you shot down, I am not sure you full understand “souping up” phrase. The term “souped up” has been in use for over a century and I still hear people use it pretty frequently. It is generally meant to imply something has been made faster or more powerful, frequently with cars, and probably why some people argue it is a shortened version of supercharged. I agree that it probably isn’t a good fit here, but not being of how it sounds.
It makes total sense as all the right leaning people already hated Biden, and he disillusioned many on the left. Trump never lost support of his mouth frothing racist morons.
Question: Are we being thrown in to the game as one of the other existing characters?
If so, then it really matter which character.
If I am Linus I try to get a shave and maybe a checkup at a free clinic. It’s a long road ahead.
If I am Abigail, I play some Chrono Trigger and do some sword practice.
My satire meter was going off right away, but I pushed that instinct down because it was so good I hoped I was wrong lol
Sadly true, but if you’re already stuck with one of these TVs like me, you should know that you can get flawless knockoff remotes online in two packs super cheap.
Unless it is trying to actually look cool like “cool retro terminal” or something, I fail to see how the point. I don’t recall ever in the history of my terminal use ever thinking “man, this terminal emulator is so slow!” I mean, really… 120fps 4k terminals. Neat I guess?
As long as it scaled to reasonably the same price as current meat, I’d absolutely do it unless there were some significant downsides like it somehow being even worse for the environment.
I have used mini PCs as a servers for years with file serving being a major duty of them. Granted my storage needs aren’t excessive, but most NUCs or Nuc-likes can hold two drives, some can have a third if you include 2.5" drives. My AsRock A300 can hold 4 drives (two of each), but its m.2 support sucks so that’s not as much of a boon as it sounds. If you need significant storage, there is no replacement for something that can hold 3.5" drives though since those can now reach 20+ GB a drive.
I go with scenario 1 because it radically reduces the ways I can screw things up for myself.
The issue is that it was the DE originally, some people (myself included) just didn’t fully get the memo when it changed like 15 or so years ago. I haven’t used the KDE DE since before that change, so I get how it could be missed. Rebranding is hard, even years later. I am sure many people think KFC still stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken too.