China has 21 nuclear reactors under construction which will have a capacity for generating more than 21 gigawatts of electricity, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency. That is two and a half times more nuclear reactors under construction than any other country.

I love that China is not planning to power all future demand with more coal and gas.

  • Throwaway
    11 year ago

    That took an earthquake and a tsunami to happen. Chernobyl was a test to see if it the plant was built to spec, and it wasn’t.

    • CrimeDadA
      11 year ago

      In the case of the Chernobyl disaster, the test revealed a flaw in the design of the reactor, not a deviation from the specification. Likewise, in the Fukushima disaster, it was a tsunami that revealed a flaw in the design of the reactor cooling system and backup generators.

      • Throwaway
        11 year ago

        The flaw being graphite tips on the control rods which was not in the design.

        • CrimeDadA
          1 year ago

          The graphite ends were part of the RMBK design and the power surge behavior caused by them was observed previously at a reactor in Lithuania (but no accident occured). The design was not changed at that point because the particular circumstances that would lead to an accident (like what happened in the Chernobyl disaster) were determined to be too unlikely. A similar determination must have been made regarding the likelihood of a flood that would disable the emergency generators at Fukushima.