I need to switch from KDE to xfce without losing my files, any advice?
May I ask why you have 5+ DEs installed? And also, isn’t that quite the mess with all the dotfiles?
for testing, and no, no issues at all with the various dot files.
Cluttered app menus, and an occasional “default open with app” setting changed is about the only issues.
We don’t talk about their 5+ desktop environments just like we don’t talk about my fourteen Windows VMs…
Hold on, I get the 5 DEs if you like to tinker but ME? Really?
I think using virtualbox is the bigger offense here.
Is the dotfile overhead of a DE substantially more than any other program? Is there a particular conflict that you’re thinking of?
For a multiuser system it can be great to have multiple DEs or WMs.
I am thinking about .Xresources, for example, and gtk things and other files in .config. I didn’t mean the DE specific dotfiles.