Israeli air force launches strike upon Hospital “Hamas Base” parking lot, with an R9X missile.

For context, the image is from Reuters with info about the missile. It references a different time that the US used it to kill a terrorist leader. The video below is a hospital parking lot in gaza.

    411 months ago

    Do you have access to actually launch missiles at things when you’re trying to be a monster?

    Because unless you do, it makes your point really silly. Most individuals don’t have an option to launch a missile to be a monster. But I know some people who absolutely would use one (or more) if they had access.

    People are monsters. Period. Nobody is perfect. And I’m sure you’ve justified some actions that are less than pure in your lifetime. Just because you don’t launch missiles at people doesn’t make it better.

    War sucks, civilians loose while the elite get more wealthy.

    • Scary le PooOP
      1011 months ago

      Yes, me justifying not registering my car on time is toooootally on par with…

      Checks notes

      Bombing a hospital.


        611 months ago

        Only one who’s a clown is the one who doesn’t have the self reflection to understand everyone wrongs someone else in life. Life isn’t black and white. Stay safe out there and be kind.

        • Scary le PooOP
          511 months ago

          Defending bombing a hospital and waxing eloquent about self reflection. That’s rich.