Suppose you win 100 million. What do you actually do with it? Banks only guarantee 250,000. Do you have to invest it? Is there anywhere you can just let it sit and draw interest?

  • CrimeDadA
    1 year ago

    As recent events have shown, the FDIC guarantee amount isn’t a hard limit (at least in the US). That said, the name of the game is to keep accumulating capital, so you just use the money to make investments. Maybe you have some specific ideas about which investments to make, but typically you just hire a company to do this for you. What you don’t do is spend it. Instead, you use those investments as collateral on lines of credit and that is how you get your spending money. This way, you get useful cash flow while minimizing your taxable income.

    An important thing to do is launder your reputation by contributing to charities and causes and making investments that have popular appeal. It’s cheap insurance to make sure the working class doesn’t bear too much resentment for you specifically if a revolution ever does materialize.