I think bad decisions influence him cause he was younger than me. It makes me want to know what happened in his life he was able to buy an AR-15 at 22 I think. He had a good life going and it’s like no he tried to shoot Trump and I wonder why? I don’t see how you can just hate someone that much to also end your life over.

  • @AdamEatsAss@lemmy.world
    316 months ago

    Most people do not go out and attempt an assassination. That alone is an indication of some sort of psychotic break. Evidence may not have been made public yet or there may not be any. The only person who knew for sure is dead.

    • @Pronell@lemmy.world
      256 months ago

      To add to this, he had looked up several targets, including Biden. So it was likely as you say, a psychotic break followed by lashing out, rather than a partisan choice.

    • folkrav
      6 months ago

      I don’t think we can necessarily call all killers psychotic. Antisocials in the broadest of terms, maybe, sociopaths, probably, but they’re not necessarily all losing touch with reality.

      In his case, given what we know so far, it does sound rather likely.