My favourite 2 animals have gotta be :
The Meerkat, I love these little guys, they’re so funny when they pop their heads out of a tunnel and dart their head around looking for potential threats or curiosity. And also cos of the Meerkat adverts.
The Jaguar, this big danger kitty has got the strongest jaws of the big cats and is the unofficial mascot of Brazil. I just like the design of this animal and sheer power that it brings to the food chain below it. An absolutely deadly and beautiful creature.
What about you guys? Got any favourites from the animal kingdom and why?
No contest, just look at these guys
Though I just realised I’m a walking stereotype
Lol lemon bars and cuffed jeans. Those last two feel like they’re targeting someone specific.
I hecking love frogs so much. I wish i wasn’t scared of them. Well not really scared, but everything that can jump away in a millisecond kinda spooks me.
I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t promote the superb Owl!
Great Eye Sight
Many have 3D hearing to “see” under leaves or snow
Near silent flight
Can rotate their head 270 degrees
Tremendously strong grip strength
Beautiful and effective camo for any environment
Have settled almost everywhere on Earth but Antarctica (so far!)
Great facial expressions
Diverse vocalizations
They can control positioning of individual feathers to either thermoregulate or to change the focus of their hearing.
Their eyes dilate individually to maintain peak vision when one eye is in a shadow, but the other in the sun.
Have a third eyelid to protect those special peepers while fighting, eating, or from dryness and abrasion in flight.
And I’m sure I forgot a few things, but that’s a good start to the amazing world of owls!
Hey, what the fuck.
This was my profile picture before you posted it.
The hippo is the true king of beasts! So cute and plump, yet so deadly and fiercely protective. Also much faster than you would ever believe something that big can run on land, yet is almost stealth in the water until you’ve angered it. It also has one of the most powerful bites and skin 2 inches/ 6 cm thick.
I’ve become the go-to owl person of Lemmy, but I’m a long time hippo fan.
Cheetahs have always been my favorite. It’s not that they’re the fastest land animal that fascinates me, but how. Dogs are so funny to watch run because they’re so goofy, but even the fastest dogs get going maybe 40 miles an hour. They spend a lot of time off the ground in their stride. And if you’re not in contact with the ground, you’re slowing down. Cheetahs keep their strides very low to the ground and spend little time in the air. Additionally, their long, muscular, flexible spine allows them to treat it kind of like a leaf spring. And the long tails are gorgeous.
And if that wasn’t enough, they meow and purr, too.
Goats. Can be potty trained, learn tricks, give milk and you can cuddle them.
The way they climb and headbutt everything is adorable. I love goats. They also have good hair for clothes. Mohair and cashmere is goat hair.
Edit: The fact that goats are incredible climbers has always been so funny to me. They definitely do not look like they can climb anything.
Lmao totally! Rock climbing goats, tree climbing goats, goats that live in cliffs…
A cat in a tree? Sure. A bear? Totally. Got claws. A goat?
Ankylosaurus. Extinct, but still. It’s like what you’d get if you shoved a turtle, a rhino, and a dragon into that teleporter from The Fly .
Octopus are pretty cool.
The animal with the most correct plural forms on earth!
Octopuses, octopi, octopodes, octopus.
Vastly superior to that lowly beast that doesn’t even have a plural form, the moose.
You leave the poor meeses alone!
I will as soon as gooses stop invading the lower 48.
Meese are the armored division of the Canadian invasion. The gooses and meese are a menace
Tungsten. It’s just so cool that it’s so dense and has such a high melting point. It’s also really hard and tough.
Edit: also dragonflies are pretty badass
Okapi. They’re unusual and they look cool.
And they don’t cause any problems!
Wolverine. They are like a giant mean badger (!!!).
Half wolf half nectarine.
Elephants!!! They have a beautiful family structure that looks out for one another. They grieve for their dead. Genuinely able to feel and relay emotions through actions and vocal intonations. Their trunk is such a neat and unique appendage. Generally are gentle giants as long as they aren’t being threatened.
The nest of blue tits we have every year. Some of them keep hanging around and we feed them on the balcony. My wife works from home and it is nice to watch them play and eat. We also have woodpeckers every year. I love birds.