I was just wondering what the vest edibles are for motivation/creativity. Im trying to get back into drawing, Sometimes I snag a gummy that just gets me drawing for a while, but its a 1/50 chance. I really want a pack of em so that motivation is constant.
I have ADHD, so motivation is something I mentally lack. Do not tell me to make my own weed, and please don’t suggest anything horrendously strong. Im not a pot head, I have a weak tolerance and I refuse to push that tolerance. Thanks.
“Weed lab”! You make the procedure of baking a ground up plant in the oven for 30 minutes then putting it in a crock pot with coconut oil/butter sound like a Breaking Bad meth cooking operation. Jesse, we need to cook some brownies :)
I respect that processing hemp flower at home isnt your thing. WNC CBD has always been top tier with its thca flower and the edibles from them will almozt certainly kick ass. They know what they’re doing.
I suggested homemade edibles or tinctures as an economic and effective option. Usually edible users look to pot for frequent pain relief or stress medicine. Buying premade stuff thats actually effective at helping gets pricey quick for medical users.
Here in USA you can buy legal thca or cbd hemp flower shake right from wholesalers online dirt cheap. Moreover there are specific cooking appliances like the magic butter maker and nova fx too which automates the whole process.
In case you give it a second thought, the pot smell released during the oven baking process can be mitigated by sealing the flower in a mason jar while cooking in the oven. The jar can easily withstand the 240f temp you decarb the herb at. This also helps recapture active terpenes and cannabanoids that vaporize at low temps.
Good luck, hope you find some awesome stuff.
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thats smart…
Im scared I’ll fuck up the butter somehow tho 😭😭 I got everything I need I just gotta get some good flower
You’ll never get good at a new skill if youre too afraid of screwing up to even try or give up after one go. Dont expect perfection from yourself and do the best you can. Learn something from the process and do it slightly better next time.
Fortunately cooking is very forgiving. If you do one or two things slightly wrong just roll with it. Here is the guide I am using today for my butter. … also its text based counterpart If it goes well I’ll update.
If its your first time i recommend not using super nice flower just get some cheap shake that way you aren’t loosing much if the batch gets scuffed. After a few batches of cheap stuff you can take what you’ve learned and go for high quality flower.
The crock pot will be smelly do that part outside or in garage If you can. They have cheap propane ovens you can use outside for decarb too just need to get a oven thermometer and keep an eye on it.
gotcha. Is there certain strains fir baking btw? Like the “fruity”/“candy” flavored straines? I use leafly to look at all the types of strains and some say they’re fruity or somethin
tbh I’ve ALWAYS wanted to make my own cannabutter, but Ima have to do it at my white friends house (He kinda middle class and has that good shit) I cant risk my kitchen smellin like wee, my momma would kick my ass 😭😭😭
I may buy some premade and bake that… Ive been craving chocolate cake/brownies for a LOOONG time now, im fucking jonesing for a lava cake rn