They put out this shelf and I want it, but I don’t want to seem strange? It would make a nice plant shelf, but it’s not something I can scurry away with, so people would see me while I carried it. Is that a bad thing to do?

EDIT: Never mind. Someone beat me to it. 😭

  • toofpic
    4 days ago

    I do that all the time. A thing is a thing, and it can be your thing now. I only try to ask myself two things:

    1. Do I really need that?
    2. Is it in a good condition? I have a lot of used stuff at home, so if I took something half-broken, it would look like a dumpster already.

    Sidenote: I live in Denmark, where people overconsume, and then get rid of stuff which is still in good condition.

    • cabbage
      94 days ago

      I recently moved to Denmark. A lot of my stuff is from the trash, including a huge old school full wood dinner table, TV, and my stereo system (works as a charm, sounds amazing). I also picked up an amazing old cast iron frying pan.

      I make sure to check the big thrash (storeskrald) regularly. Things pop up there that I would never have afforded myself if I had to pay for it.

      I think Denmark/Copenhagen is a bit crazy in this regard though.

      • toofpic
        24 days ago

        About the craziness - yes absolutely. In most other places, you use a thing until nobody would use it, or sell it online. And here, people are just: “nah…”
        Well, better for us. I also have a shitton of good stuff, including half of my clothes (I’m lucky to have size M, so a lot of stuff fits). Second hand stores look weird now: “Whoa, you need to pay for that?”

    564 days ago

    If I put something by the road, instead of in the bin, it is because I want someone to take it. Yes take it. If you are unsure, go up and let them know you want it,I can say with absolute confidence, they will say to take it.

      124 days ago

      I put out one of those big plastic storage units with like 30 little drawers recently, figuring although 2 were missing, someone could still use it. I stood it next to the dustbin, on trash day where it would be optimally visible for anyone who wanted to scrounge it.

      The bloody HOA took a picture and sent a nastygram.

        23 days ago

        I have no HOA, I need no HOA,and want no HOA. I do not care if my neighbor puts his car on blocks. City code enforcement will eventually move on any outrageous lack of upkeep.

      3 days ago

      Once I was moving house and we set an old couch out on the sidewalk. It was very large and heavy so we were concerned that no one would take it. But we lived in a poorer area where most everything got taken, and sure enough it did disappear.

      A few more days went by and we continued packing to move. The big day finally arrived and I went out that morning to greet the mover truck and found that whoever took the couch had come back and returned it during the night! I was like “you can’t do that!” LOL

  • This is totally kosher where I am and I’ve done it before, but if I think I’ll be observed I’ll ask my neighbor. They’ve always responded with some variation of “oh of course, I consider it trash” and sometimes explain reasons they’re getting rid of it that dissuaded me from taking it that weren’t immediately obvious.

    • Natanael
      34 days ago

      And if you don’t know who owns it, leaving a note to ask is simple.

      I’ve been the one to leave stuff out that I didn’t have space for anymore, with a note on that it’s free to take

  • circuitfarmer
    404 days ago

    “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” exists exactly for this, I think.

      94 days ago

      Except in Germany. Anything put outside for refuse collection is considered property of the town or city.

      Taking something from the pile is punished as theft, and if caught, you will be fined.

      • toofpic
        114 days ago

        I was thinking that I could as well live in Germany, until this moment. Seriously.

        13 days ago

        Yet if you asked your neighbor, you’ll not be fined.

        Which is the answer to this question anyway.


    43 days ago

    Where I live, there are people who make a decent amount of cash by grabbing whatever metal they can find out of the trash and taking it to scrapyards. There are a couple of trucks that swing past my house a few times the night before and the day of trash pickup. And myself, I grabbed two bikes by just knocking on the door and asking.

      2 days ago

      We have scheduled bulk item pickups in pur city. The night before you will usually see at least a couple trucks driving around tossing any scrap metal they find in the bed.

      Got a scooter, bike, and eliptical from a neighbor the same way.

    3 days ago

    My neighborhood has bulk trash pickup monthly. Most of the bulk trash gets put out the week prior to pickup day. The majority of this trash doesn’t make it to the dump! People with trailers come by and pick up anything remotely usable. I like to think they are reusing/upcycling this stuff but I really don’t know. I see this as a huge win because it keeps stuff out of the dump but it does feel very dystopian to see a junk economy like something from Fallout.

    I’m in the USA btw. Others have pointed out that some countries have different laws regarding ownership of trash. Don’t get in trouble with law enforcement, get to know your neighbors better! It’s not trash if they give it to you.

    4 days ago

    this is quite literally how I get all of my furniture, extending the lifespan of consumer goods is a good thing.

    now you know for next time!

    214 days ago

    As a kid in the 80s I lived in a burb where once or twice in the summer they had a day where they could put out big clunky stuff for trash pickup that normally wasn’t allowed. So stuff like furniture, mattresses, old tires, etc. You’d routinely see cars driving past to see if there was anything they wanted to take. Our church friends, a family with 6 kids, would have a few ride off on their bikes and scout for useful stuff and call dibs. Then one brother went back home to get someone to bring the station wagon around while the others kept guard over the claim.

    It was a good system for giving a second life to stuff that was still good (or fixable) but that you didn’t want or weren’t able to lug to the flea market or something.

      54 days ago

      We have this still where I live. Was just this weekend gone in my neighbourhood.

      Last week it was the rich neighbourhood and the council was there stopping people from taking anything saying that it all belongs to the council.

      Dann rich fuckers get extra protection for their rubbish mean while our houses get broken into and cars stolen constantly

    33 days ago

    I actually love it when people take things I put by the curb. I would much rather someone get use out of it than have it end up in a landfill.

    184 days ago

    There’s a well established tradition of hand-me-down furniture being put out in alleys in East Vancouver. When you move and have no furniture, you can just tour the alleys and come away with a coffee table and a sofa or a couple of chairs. Did it a few times. You gotta know how to check for bed bugs though.