• UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    That’s an amusing decontextualization of what I said, but I don’t think it gets us closer to mutual understanding.


    You’re not here for that. You just want to emphasize really, really hard just how superior you are to religious people.

    I’m not religious myself, but I stopped saying “atheist” as a self-descriptor because it has been lately tarnished by sanctimoniously secular people that bloviate over others about their default state of superiority.

    To put it in a less “amusing decontextualization” way, that’s you.

    idk, people are all for “ruthless criticism of all that exists” when it comes to things they dislike

    Encounters with pseudo-intellectualism should not turn you into an anti-intellectual.

    “Agree with me or you’re not an intellectual.jagoff smuglord

    Do you have any self awareness at all or are you still stuck years back in Reddit’s Faces of Atheism mode?

    • GarbageShootAlt2@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      You just want to emphasize really, really hard just how superior you are to religious people.

      You are projecting on me what you encountered in the past from nuatheist types. I am not them, and have explicitly said multiple times that what I am referring to is religious doctrine, even going as far as pointing out that the doctrine is at odds with their history especially in the case of Jews, who have overwhelmingly (from the time of the Roman Empire to now) been the ones on the receiving end of brutal discrimination, genocide, etc. I don’t know how I can make it more clear, because I feel like no matter what I say you’ll just say that I feel superior to Jews and would support them being made to wear stars, etc.

      This is kind of a known problem with you that I’ve seen others complain about, that you bring in all this baggage and dump it on people when your . . . uh . . . sensor goes off. Perhaps you could take this opportunity to reflect on it. Like, you know me, and I don’t think you especially like me, but this vitriol you’re poring on me is a bit much, and it’s assuming that I’m coming from a much worse place than you have any reason to believe I would come from (whatever rightful misgivings toward me you may have).

      “Agree with me or you’re not an intellectual.”

      That’s not what I’m saying. What I am saying is that rejecting criticism categorically is anti-intellectual and a betrayal of Marxism. You don’t need to agree with my criticism, but if you’re going to attack me for it, I’d hope you’d have a better reason for why it is wrong other than what it is addressed towards.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        You are projecting on me what you encountered in the past from nuatheist types.

        No need to do that because you’ve been doing it in this ongoing comment chain and you apparently don’t even notice it, up to and including the “civility” masked put-downs and condescending remarks.

        I have no need of that because I know what I’m seeing and I don’t like it.

        and have explicitly said multiple times

        Yes, and I’m calling bullshit each and every time because whatever you want it to look like it still reeks of a sense of superiority over the unwashed religious masses.

        You don’t need to agree with my criticism, but if you’re going to attack me for it, I’d hope you’d have a better reason for why it is wrong other than what it is addressed towards.

        This isn’t Reddit. I don’t even see the purpose of your “religion bad” smugposting on this particular board. You’re not going to get congratulated much for the euphoria of being enlightened by your own intelligence here.