BlueMAGA making a good show in this post, helping everyone understand how low libs will go. Support and defend genocide? You betcha!
Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: Russian BotAmazing that some people still think these BlueAnon attempts at censorship will get them anywhere.
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thanks for your work, comrade!
beep boop i am an evil russian bot that tries to destroy the west by by advocating for basic human decency beep boop
To fight for Hamas though is to fight for suppression and hate.
Least braindead Zionist
the cancerous zionist entity deserves nothing but suppression and hate. hamas are an integral part of the heroic resistance to it and must be supported in their righteous fight.
also, of course you are a fucking g*rman…
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Why are far right party known for focusing on flashy symbolic attacks over protecting its citizens the one that is integral to the resistance and not the State of Palestinian they oppose or the social democratic Fatal party Hamas imprisoned, executed, or expelled upon taking control in 2007? How is replacing one violent far right theocracy with another going to lead to liberation and peace?
The enemy of my enemy is my enemies enemy, nothing more and nothing less.
this is not “replacing one far right theocracy with another”! and i fucking dare you to say this shit while looking in the eyes of the people the illegal entity is currently genociding.
“israel” is a fascist, settler-colonial and genocidal tumor that needs to be removed, while hamas is right in fighting for the liberation of the palestinian people and against the occupation.
hamas is also being supported by the communist pflp, a resistance group that has historically been supported by the ussr among others. on the other hand al-fatah has been collaborating with the criminal zionist regime since the 1993 oslo accords. this lead to them losing mass support and the palestinian people electing hamas in 2006.
that shit about hamas tactics being supposedly ineffective is just refrigerated fascist “israeli” propaganda. hasbara are liars and should not be trusted. the german nazists were spreading the same misinformation about the partisans in belarus and other parts of the heroic soviet union.
for us who are determined to break the back of colonialism, our historic mission is to authorize every revolt, every desperate act, and every attack aborted or drowned in blood.
Right, we got 3.02 percent more of the vote, and thusly were totaly justified in immediately having the opposing candidates arrested, executed, and expelled.
And yes, you do kind of have to negotiate with the enemy forces from time to time from time to time instead of declaring that there can be no peace until all traces of you’re far larger and more heavily armed neighbor have been ethnically cleansed from the region, but go on and explain how lobbing RPGs across the border and directly into your enemies interceptors at a time when you can scarcely feed your own people is an incredibly effective use of resources that resulted in the complete collapse of Isreal.
Or how the self described Sunni Islamic fundamentalists are really left wing because occasionally the far left PFLP supports them in trying to get Isreal out of Palestine.
Do you also support Bibi Netanyahu, as he is also a far fight religious leader who has done more damage to Isreal’s settler-colonial project in one year than Hamas has achieved in nearly two decades of control?
your post is honestly so fucking deranged i dont even know how to respond to it.
you are such a smug disgusting little hasbara concern-trolling genocide-apologizing little piece of shit. you are sitting on your fucking privileged western ass believing that you are some sort of enlightened messiah capable of talking down to the heroic resistance on the ground in palestine.
the thing is that you dont have the right to talk about shit!
for me, one either supports the resistance against western imperialism, the main enemy of humanity, or one us a moral degenerate only worthy of being beaten to death with a stick.
if there is a salvageable ounce of humanity left in you, please read some communist perspective on palestinian resistance
смерть америке
Yes, they are heroes despite everything, even though most of the world’s governments are against them, but the struggle and resistance continue.
flatten Tel Aviv
idk about that one chief plenty of homes stolen from Palestinians in that city and plenty of innocent people too, including many Palestinians, it would be neither necessary nor helpful for the liberation of the Palestinian people to “flatten tel aviv”. Control ur blood lust it is useless.
False. Humanity is a harmful social construct, Palestine is a vulnerable nation of oppressed people. You don’t need to support humanity in order to fight for Palestine.
Humanity is a harmful social construct
I’m curious why you say so. Surely you can see, from a layman’s point of view, how it would seem to be one of the most helpful social constructs, right? So what’s the hidden evil behind it?
It’s based in supremacy, like whiteness. We only define things as human in order to put them above other things. Namely, our animal slaves.
Misanthropism is what makes genocide possible. Even if well meaning this sentiment is exactly shared with fascists who simply lean into the idea of humanity being flawed, violent, evil etc. as a justification for the horrors they enact; why hold yourself to a better standard if you don’t believe it to be possible?
If you think this is the same idea fascists have, you’ve missed a few nuances. Fascists believe that humans suck, and people have to be humans. I believe that human is a sucky thing to identify as. The difference is that fascists criticise people for being born human, while I criticise people for choosing to be human. I said that humanity is a harmful social construct. If you think fascists are acknowledging that the conditions of our identities are culturally relative, you don’t know much about fascism.