Sounds like mealy bugs. Good luck. It is possible to get rid of them. I spent, like, 2 hours carefully applying mild rubbing alcohol to every single leaf surface on my wasabi plant and it did recover! I had thought it was done for, the infestation was so bad.
They are soft and stuck and immobile, they are like blobs
Hmmm. Do you have a photo? How large is an individual insect? Mealy bugs can be so tiny that it’s hard to even see them moving.
Can’t send a pic, but they are 1-2 mm long and no more than .5 mm wide
Sounds like mealy bugs. Good luck. It is possible to get rid of them. I spent, like, 2 hours carefully applying mild rubbing alcohol to every single leaf surface on my wasabi plant and it did recover! I had thought it was done for, the infestation was so bad.
When crushed they have small amount of blood. Are they the things? Also a spider is in the plant, can that take care of it?
A single spider will not be enough to take care of mealy bugs. Sorry, but you really need to use alcohol to kill off an infestation.
Ok, will do that at night for the non webbed plants