Why does this community think there shouldn’t be a ground invasion after 1000s of missles are launched at a country? All I ever hear is emotionally charged statements against Israelis. But people keep punching the big kid and then keep getting mad when he punches back.
Because Israel is a settler-colonial genocidal project. It isn’t a nation, it’s a dog of Empire. Israel strikes first, and commits war crimes, and now you’re carrying water for fascists when the victims actually push back.
I think Bibi was technically born in Israel and spent his early childhood there but lived in Philidelphia during the period that he went to high school.
Which part was propaganda? I’ll carefully explain any of my views. I want the genocidal settler-colonial entity Israel to be dissolved, and a democratic Palestinian state to replace it for Palestinians and former-Israelis alike.
Your words weren’t left, don’t try to hide behind us
settler-colonial genocidal project. It isn’t a nation, it’s a dog of Empire.
Is meaningless, we oppose the killing, we oppose the inequality with which they treat their neighbours. We still support their existence, we just want it to be a better existence
Your words weren’t left, don’t try to hide behind us
100% of my words were written from Leftist analysis.
Is meaningless, we oppose the killing, we oppose the inequality with which they treat their neighbours. We still support their existence, we just want it to be a better existence
Offering mere platitudes and “thoughts and prayers” for a better world instead of actually working towards it is idealism, not materialism. Don’t carry water for fascists.
This is the 4th ground invasion by Israel, and they are gearing up for a second occupation of Lebanese territory. Israel is using the same tactics as always when going in to occupy and settle land. You’re forgetting that the ‘big kid’ has been the aggressor, been committing genocide for a year, apartheid for much longer, and has never stopped it’s Settler Colonialist land grabs
I mean, this shit has been going back and forth longer than we’ been alive. Saying one side is the aggressor is using some pretty heavy blinders.
Your method of saying one combatant is wrong and the other combatant is good is laughable. It just reeks of insincerity and propaganda for some party that wants more war in the world.
You don’t have a single thought in your head and the only thing you’re covering it with is this haughty affectation.
I mean, this shit has been going back and forth longer than we’ been alive. Saying one side is the aggressor is using some pretty heavy blinders.
you’re just being a dipshit fascist doing “it’s too complicated to argue with so just let it happen” like with literally every other time ‘the big kid’ commits crimes against humanity
It’s weird how we didn’t see blood and soil nazis like you coming forward with “it’s complicated” rhetoric when Oct 7 happened. Now that it’s Israel wanting to annex more territory with terrorism and pogroms you’re on board.
I’m not saying one is good and the other is bad. I’m pointing out that one is blowback from the other. Zionism, and it’s Settler Colonialism, is the underlying cause of all this violence. And that needs to be addressed in order to end all the violence
One or Two State Solution
The settlements represent land-grabbing, and land-grabbing and peace-making don’t go together, it is one or the other. By its actions, if not always in its rhetoric, Israel has opted for land-grabbing and as we speak Israel is expanding settlements. So, Israel has been systematically destroying the basis for a viable Palestinian state and this is the declared objective of the Likud and Netanyahu who used to pretend to accept a two-state solution. In the lead up to the last election, he said there will be no Palestinian state on his watch. The expansion of settlements and the wall mean that there cannot be a viable Palestinian state with territorial contiguity. The most that the Palestinians can hope for is Bantustans, a series of enclaves surrounded by Israeli settlements and Israeli military bases.
Hamas officials should be held accountable for all war crimes committed, same as all Israeli officials. That said, there are many parallels between the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Gaza.
Why does this community think there shouldn’t be a ground invasion after 1000s of missles are launched at a country? All I ever hear is emotionally charged statements against Israelis. But people keep punching the big kid and then keep getting mad when he punches back.
Because Israel is a settler-colonial genocidal project. It isn’t a nation, it’s a dog of Empire. Israel strikes first, and commits war crimes, and now you’re carrying water for fascists when the victims actually push back.
Dog of Empire? How dare you speak of the glorious Cleon dynasty in such a manner!
Where would you rather they go? Fucking Auschwitz??
Where they came from. Netanyahu is from Philidelphia.
“Blood and soil” is fascist rhetoric.
Or, they can stay where they are, just in a secular, democratic Palestinian state.
I think Bibi was technically born in Israel and spent his early childhood there but lived in Philidelphia during the period that he went to high school.
This is the solution the PFLP supports iirc
A settler colonial ethnostate built on the genocide of natives can never coexist with said natives. It can’t be a separate state.
You’re just talking emotionally laden propaganda. From the way you talk, you just want war.
Which part was propaganda? I’ll carefully explain any of my views. I want the genocidal settler-colonial entity Israel to be dissolved, and a democratic Palestinian state to replace it for Palestinians and former-Israelis alike.
The part you wrote. The first post definitely, and then also this last post. It’s the words you used, and then the order you placed those words in.
So all left wing views are propaganda, lmao. Typical right-winger.
Your words weren’t left, don’t try to hide behind us
Is meaningless, we oppose the killing, we oppose the inequality with which they treat their neighbours. We still support their existence, we just want it to be a better existence
100% of my words were written from Leftist analysis.
Offering mere platitudes and “thoughts and prayers” for a better world instead of actually working towards it is idealism, not materialism. Don’t carry water for fascists.
it’s way more realistic that you can work with good people in a country than it is to exterminate everyone
States aren’t people, dog
Judging by the modlog, you wouldn’t recognize an actual left perspective if it bit you in the ass.
This is the 4th ground invasion by Israel, and they are gearing up for a second occupation of Lebanese territory. Israel is using the same tactics as always when going in to occupy and settle land. You’re forgetting that the ‘big kid’ has been the aggressor, been committing genocide for a year, apartheid for much longer, and has never stopped it’s Settler Colonialist land grabs
I mean, this shit has been going back and forth longer than we’ been alive. Saying one side is the aggressor is using some pretty heavy blinders.
Your method of saying one combatant is wrong and the other combatant is good is laughable. It just reeks of insincerity and propaganda for some party that wants more war in the world.
You don’t have a single thought in your head and the only thing you’re covering it with is this haughty affectation.
you’re just being a dipshit fascist doing “it’s too complicated to argue with so just let it happen” like with literally every other time ‘the big kid’ commits crimes against humanity
It’s weird how we didn’t see blood and soil nazis like you coming forward with “it’s complicated” rhetoric when Oct 7 happened. Now that it’s Israel wanting to annex more territory with terrorism and pogroms you’re on board.
I’m not saying one is good and the other is bad. I’m pointing out that one is blowback from the other. Zionism, and it’s Settler Colonialism, is the underlying cause of all this violence. And that needs to be addressed in order to end all the violence
One or Two State Solution
How Avi Shlaim moved from two-state solution to one-state solution
‘One state is a game changer’: A conversation with Ilan Pappe
One State Solution, Foreign Affairs
Hamas officials should be held accountable for all war crimes committed, same as all Israeli officials. That said, there are many parallels between the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and Gaza.
In the Shadow of the Holocaust by Masha Gessen, the situation in Gaza is compared to the Warsaw Ghettos. The comparison was also made by a Palestinian poet who was later killed by an Israeli airstrike. Adi Callai, an Israeli, has also written on the parallels in his article The Gaza Ghetto Uprising and expanded upon in his corresponding video