I’m sure there will be crazier answers, but one memory comes to mind. I’m walking down a busy street late one night in Montreal. I see this preppy looking guy lliterally screaming in the face of a bouncer outside of a club, like about to burst a blood vessel. Anyway, this guy is asking dumb questions like “dont you know who my dad is?” And yelling about how he’s going to get this dad on the phone to ruin the bouncers career for not letting him into the club.
Maybe I’m lucky, but I don’t see cartoonishly entitled behavior like that often, so it stuck out to me. To the bouncer’s credit he kept his cool and just gave the other guy a blank stare the whole interaction…total pro.
Yesterday this mf brought a whole shopping cart full of groceries to the self-checkout. Three of the checkouts were down so there were only 3 open. Not the spiciest, but like, damn.
I’m not sure if paying for your groceries makes you entitled.
You’re technically supposed to use a human cashier lane if you have a lot of groceries. At least in the USA, it’s pretty common for self-checkout lanes to have “15 items or fewer” signs.