profane language is the word ‘fuck’.

this is not yelling ‘fuck’ at the top of your lungs, but more like ‘aah, fuck’, meaning why do things have to be this complicated? or, why didn’t coworker X did his job as he was supposed to? Why is this documentation not in order?

Have you ever been fired over this? reprimanded at work?

I use ‘fuck’ a lot, not to intimidate anyone, but each time something bothers me, I could as well use ‘come on!!’ but ‘fuck’ comes to me more naturally.

If I get a written warning, is this a reason good enough to start looking for employment elsewhere?

To those of you not in America. Is it different where you are?

    5 months ago

    -I got detention in high school after a teacher overheard a friend of mine asking me if we had homework and i said, “fuck if I know.” Worth it, lol. -I got fussed at working in retail if they heard me swear but never officially written up

    -at my first accounting job the controller screamed FUCK from inside her office once. Swearing was generally fine here

    -current job i said “fuck yeah” in a meeting with no consequence. Swearing is generally fine so long as it’s not within earshot of approximately 2 specific people.

    I swear… a lot. All the time. I do attempt, at least, to be mindful of the when and where, which is working out for me so far.

    Edit: reading comprehension failure, I’m usa lol

      5 months ago

      if you’re trying to make new lines it has to have 2 spaces at the end

      jggrphdjrhyene proving that it works