Improve education for girls worldwide. A very strong link has been established by numerous studies.
Seems rather light-handed. But maybe that’s the best way.
Turns out, knowledge is power! When people can make informed decisions instead of just doing whatever the person in charge says it’s usually better on the whole
it’s absolutely the best way; it works so well that it’s causing projected population declines everywhere women are close to parity in education with men.
Increase quality of life for everyone. Better QOL correlates with less children.
Yeah, but the cause could be drawn either way.
deleted by creator
Is there incessant breeding?
Aren’t TFR’s going down in most regions?The best thing then would be focusing on the places that lag behind.
In my opinion, the best initial steps would would be increased literacy and scientific temper together with good quality public education and healthcare
Together with properly planned mechanisation n automation this would help most people.Yes, false premise here.
It would seem that children were never that popular; sex just was.
Where are you getting the opinion that our breeding is incessant? From what I remember studying,
- the entire population of earth could fit in Texas if we turned it into a state sized apartment complex
- we already produce FAR more food than we need
- most models show that once a country advances far enough its population stops growing, and there are models that demonstrate what the earths maximum population will likely be
I’m interested in n3, is it expected to be less people than now? Got any links or leads? Just curious
Sure, here’s an article discussing population by the BBC.
Most relevant paragraph is towards the end:
Estimates vary, but we’re expected to reach “peak human” around 2070 or 2080, at which point there will be between 9.4 billion and 10.4 billion people on the planet. It may be a slow process – if we reach 10.4 billion, the UN expects the population to remain at this level for two decades – but eventually after this the population is projected to decline.
Continue making condoms accessible.
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but birth rates are crashing, and we’re actually more at risk of population collapse in the coming centuries.
I hope so
Calm down, Adolf
Make life so expensive that having a kid is financially inviable and then carelessly release chemicals into the environment that causes low fertility or sterility.
Hit yourself in the testicles with a cartoon mallet, then rethink your priorities
Write a lot of books aimed at kids explaining the over population of the planet and show the down sides to more people. Brain wash them into believing that having kids is bad.
I have my doubts that would work. We have another propaganda stream, installed since birth, shouting that more babies is great. And this irrational mandate will be rationalized.
That already works, even India and China have (unnoticed by Western public opinion) transitioned from growth to stable situation, and it’s predicted their populations will be shrinking.
We are going to have the problem of too few people, not too many.