(crossposting, because i think it can be interesting here too)
I like my video collection nicely organized and omogeneous as formats, codecs and resolution.
I know there are already pleanty of solutions like Tidarr, but i find them a bit too much for my needs, and also pretty complex to use.
I wrote a simpler approach in a bash script called “Media Fixer”, the URL is at the top of this post.
Feel free to check it out, play with it. I hope it can be useful for others as well as me.
It’s released under the GPLv3.
Video dönüştürme ve kodlama scripti, bir videonun formatını değiştirmek veya sıkıştırmak için kullanılan otomatik bir yazılım aracıdır. Nakkaştepe Millet Bahçesi Menu