I live in a big city in the center. When i activate “Show bluetooth devices without names” in the developer settings of my android 13 phone, there appear loads of this devices. I have no clue what they are. Does anyone know? Are that the bluetooth nanobots of the vaxxinated people? (/s to last question!)
Oh… didn’t realize that was a thing. That’s… a bit disturbing…
On the ole 600euro communities you regularly see people posting these screenshots as “proof” of tracking devices in vaccinations.
I’m not sure what 600euro communities are, but I read a bit about it after the previous comment, and I’m appalled that this is a thing. Let’s use a bit of logic here: if the government truly wanted to track our every move, nanotech is not how they’ll go about doing it, when we all carry smartphone trackers in our pockets every where we go. A little logic would burn their theory to ashes.
Community to make fun of conspiracy theorists. Used to be wacky, “I think the birds outside my window are working for the government, anyone know a crystal that can help me” sort of thing, became a little sad with COVID.
Interesting. But if it’s satire, are you saying the covid conspiracy people took over those communities and made them into “real”/non-satirical communities?
I don’t think they realize how small the vaccine needles are or how hard it would be to actually track you with a microscopic device.
Reality doesn’t really matter all that much to antivaxxers.