I’d like to set up three or four cameras on the exterior of my house, but I’m not sure where to start with this project. Ideally, these cameras would get power over Ethernet and record to a hard drive in my house that I could access remotely with a decent user interface. If the system could notify me when movement is detected that would be ideal as well. I don’t like the idea of using a Google, Amazon, or similar product because I don’t want to pay a subscription and I want to have control of the footage. What are you using that more or less accomplishes what I’ve described?

  • CrimeDadOPA
    2 months ago

    Around here in New Jersey, yes. People typically replace their doorbell switches with camera devices from Google or Amazon. People even set them up at their apartment doors. Dedicated NVR systems are also commonly installed in houses. In my case, I am not especially concerned about break-ins. Break-ins are rare in my neighborhood and I don’t think a camera system would do much to prevent one anyway. There have just been some nuisances over the past year including my bird feeder camera getting swiped and someone repeatedly letting their dog poop right next to my house without cleaning it up. I’d like to be able to have recordings of problems like that so I can maybe do something about it. Also, I like the idea of being able to check on things when I’m away.