• -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    Your boot-boys got (thankfully) blown up by IEDs 24/7 while playing in the sandbox and couldn’t win a war against a bunch of farmers in both Afghanistan and Vietnam. Most of the military experience for the dirty jobs is given to private military contractors that for example fucked up a job in Venezeuala. GDP doesn’t mean a damn thing when over 40% of your country live paycheck to paycheck and don’t even get healthcare or higher education to boot. You think anyone is dying for this shithole country? Most people would gladly frag their commanding officers and good luck trying to get anyone in this generation to actually believe it’s a just war.

    Last time America and China went to war; it divided Korea in half. No one won that one. You think they’re going to somehow win now when America had a far more experienced, technologically advanced army compared to the Chinese then?

    The actual logistics of the military is a series of private contractors grifting off 10,000 dollar toilets and 200 dollar screws that is currently stocking away thousands of obsolete, outdated equipment that is getting blown up by cold-war era shit from Russia in Ukraine; unless you actually believe the propaganda that Ukraine is somehow claiming victory while losing territory simultaneously after getting 100s of billions of dollars in aid and military equipment (MUH HIMAAAARRRS)

    China hands down has a larger military, in the article itself reads 50% of the global shipbuilding and leads in academic publishing for multiple major academic newspapers in all fields of science. China also owns most of America’s commercial production. You can’t win a war when most of your domestic goods are made in the enemy’s country. But yeah, aircraft carriers and 70 million dollar jets will win the day!!

    Muh U.S ubermensch will beat your country cuz GDP!!! You literally sound like a third grader who learned about how awesome the military is through G.I Joe.

    • SynopsisTantilize@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Lol you clearly are not American referencing GI Joe like it’s 1985.

      Look all of this is fine and dandy to sound like a Vietnamese extra in “full metal jacket” on the Internet.

      In reality, if America takes the gloves off against any country your gonna find out real quick America never wanted the land grab. And you’re going to be wishing they did while your sitting in your WW1 trench fields that get left over from our 100 hours Operation Desert Storm 2 electric boogaloo coming to a country near you. You’re countries government left in a power vacuum state while the extremist fight over who is going to rule over you with an Islamic iron fist. Regardless of region. Regardless of religion. Regardless of geography. You don’t fuck with Americans equipment.

      There’s a reason other countries beg for our equipment. There’s a reason Poland asks for more of our bases and weapon systems. There’s a reason Western worlds are superior.

      Sorry you can kick the sand all you want and ho hum. Either start dancing to the rhythm or get the fuck outta the ballroom.

      • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        “You’re clearly not American because you don’t believe in our untermensch!”

        My family was in the military and I got to first hand see what the ancestors of that Vietnamese extra can do to men. They break them, turn them into shallow husks and then the government is the one to abandon them when the time comes because the V.A is too full. Then they kill themselves in one way or another. That’s the legacy of America taking off it’s “gloves”.

        If a draft comes, most Americans will riot. I will gladly shoot my commanding officer and assist the enemy in any way I can. That’s a vow I can take after seeing what it did to my family.

        In Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq we have lost. Every time we have taken off our gloves, we successfully destabilize a country that is 40x smaller than us, sure, but we then proceed to lose against the extremists you were just talking about. We left them a ton of equipment in Afghanistan and Iraq, your precious wunderwaffe. Against China, we just straight up lost/stalemated with China in an even better position than we are now in THAT specific region. North Korea, sadly, would most likely be lost but so would South Korea.

        Speaking of geography and region, you know, since you like to repeat yourself. I notice you ignored Ukraine. Ukraine is losing significant territory after getting hundreds of billions in aid and tons of American equipment! Why isn’t Ukraine marching into Russia with all the American equipment right now? I thought you said that it’s superior?

        Damn, why does China own 50% of global shipbuilding and lead academic research in multiple journals? I’m sure our HIMARs that is getting blown up in Ukraine would solve the issue! Our 40+ year old carrier doctrine is impenetrable!

        Looks like America is getting kicked out of a couple ballrooms these days. I’ll giggle when the time comes when more brain-washed American troops end up as rotting road-side meat again. A good boot-boy feeds their corpse to the road-side dogs after killing a couple civilians.

      • ShiningWing@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        Sweet, we got our new Navy SEALs copypasta updated for 2025! We’re all trembling because of your badassery I’m sure 🤣

        • SynopsisTantilize@lemm.ee
          2 months ago

          I can make a better copy pasta than this. I didn’t know I was supposed to be grade A shitposting. I’ve been phoning it in.