I guess even more disabled people than usual can starve to death or be driven to suicide if it saves a tiny fraction of the country’s GDP. Meanwhile those in charge waste money like there’s no tomorrow.
In Capitalist Britain, the government gleefully breaks its own laws to punish the poor. The elderly routinely starve and freeze to death so that the state can save more money for crashing warships into one another.
Not just the elderly, the sick and disabled, even children. There have been so many news reports of children starving, even bringing empty lunchboxes to school and pretending to eat because their parents can’t afford to feed them and they’re ashamed for their classmates to know. Multiple news reports of disabled people starving to death after their benefits were stopped. But somehow, always enough for wars, royalty and all kinds of waste like the time the government wasted £10 billion on useless PPE during covid that had to be thrown away.
my hatred for keir “my daddy was a tool” stürmer knows no bounds
human rights lawyer trouncing a court to ram through another round of austerity on the most precarious people in society
he’s such a piece of shit