Capture monsters to use them against the scientists who created you. Sail the open ocean in a stolen boat belonging to your captors, and destroy their failed experimental creatures to put an end to the creation of the Synth Beasts.
🌐 Steam
Capture monsters to use them against the scientists who created you. Sail the open ocean in a stolen boat belonging to your captors, and destroy their failed experimental creatures to put an end to the creation of the Synth Beasts.
🌐 Steam
What others are you noticing?
The ones that jump out: Zelda, dungeon crawlers like Diablo or Gauntlet Dark Legacy, Final Fantasy, a hint of 1v1 combat like in Bloody Roar, and… I have no idea what the name of the game was, but it was a top-down scrolling jet-fighter with super dense enemy attack patterns so you were in a pretty much constant state of dodging waves of energy-balls and such.