it costs $400,000 to fire this weapon for 12 seconds
Oh my God… who touched Sasha???
In the USA the cops would’ve shot that guy after the 3rd firework.
Jesus tap dancing Christ. That’s simultaneously one of the coolest and most insane things I’ve ever seen. It just kept going!
Holy fuck how much Ammo has this thing?
deleted by creator
This guy holds the line.
Damn, is that a photograph or just a still from a video? If someone caught that as a photograph, it’s stunning. Very impressive.
Now that’s how to protest. Make the police sweat. They should fire a few strobe rockets overhead for effect.
It’s more effective in an area where police’s response to a perceived threat (real or imaginary) is to shoot first, perspire later.
Not to take anything away from this particular instance. It’s rad and inspiring as hell. However, I fear that, were I to try this at any protest in my area, I would be forcibly aerated in short order.
Could be doomerism has a hold on me this afternoon, but, if anything, this post makes me despair that any effective protest in my country (i.e. something with enough teeth to make oligarchs take notice) will be met with deadly force employed in the name of “restoring order”, and the whole political and media apparatus will jump through hoops to frame the story as, “well, we all applaud protestors for making their voices heard, but they didn’t follow our clear directions, and therefore they brought their fates upon themselves.”
Based protestor. The hero we need, but don’t deserve.
I wonder how an American protestor with a fireworks gattling gun would be handled
If they are white, and trying to steal grazing lands? Nothing.
If you are protesting the abuse of the state? You get shot.
Idk what they’re fighting about, but I pick that guy’s team.
How in the fuck does it keep going like that?
To me it looks like a bunch of what we call Roman candles bunched up together, they’re like tubes that will fire maybe between 10-40 shots depending how big they are (I assume these are the biggest ones they could find and like maybe 10/12 of them together).
Have used these before for displays and they are good
Ahh, nothing says “protest” like possibly burning down your neighbors’ houses.