He claims to be a cowboy:
(be sure to click on the title, in which there’s swimming!)
And lord-a-mighty, he’s back for more!
(be sure to click on the title, in which there’s plastic surgery!)
EDITORS NOTE: Kinda just trying to see if our ‘Henk’ content is still standing. So far it looks like it. Sadly, not so much for his Flemish countrywoman Esther… *sigh*
Henk freaked me out. I dunno what it was about him.
He’s definitely a freak, and incredibly crude, at times.
“Henk,” “Esther” and a couple others are basically merging the complete, no-holds-barred wildness of crazy indie-alt comics with professional comics formatting. I don’t always love it, but it’s arguably art at a certain level.