
This is the best sci-fi I have seen for years, and I do not mean animated sci-fi but sci-fi in general! The beautiful artistic style of the show is heavily inspired by the art of Moebius, Hayao Miyazaki, Philippe Druillet and Alexandro Jodorowsky and also references such beloved classics as AKIRA, ALIEN and many more. Please watch it on Netflix if you can, it will increase the chance of a second season of this masterpiece getting produced. The ones of you who have already watched it, what do you think?

    9 months ago

    Just finished last night, ohh boy what a trip this show was. I liked how the show started with the survivors already used to their environment, like they had been there for months. Really got imaginative with the different ways the characters interacted with the plant and animal life, like the scene where Ursula is staring at the flower. Some parts reminded me a lot of a Rick and Morty bit where Rick just invents something using the resources at his disposal.

    Highly reccomend this show, would love to see another season, which is why I have also been suggesting this show to anyone and everyone.