EDIT: Downvotes with no comments. Shocker. Guess it’s hard to back up your opinions, huh? I guess some people are totes fine with war criminals walking free?

What it says on the tin:

Obama told the nation that we “needed to look forward, not backward” when it came to prosecuting war criminals George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

He would end up legalizing and codifying a lot of the worst excesses of the Bush administration.

His actions of letting war criminals walk without any consideration of what they had done literally set the stage for Donald Trump being treated with kid gloves. I don’t see how the two aren’t connected.

Both of them dealt with the question of “Can we successfully prosecute a former President?” Obama kicked the can down the road to ignore the question entirely, because it might appear “partisan” or something.

As evidenced by Trump’s national security documents case, they really wanted to kick the can down the road again. They gave Trump every opportunity to just return the documents with nothing but a slap on the wrist. They only started bringing criminal charges when it became clear that he never had any intent of returning anything.

Obama is viewed so favorably by so many, but it’s hard for me to do so when I think about this. Obama’s unwillingness to address this question in his administration is outright why we are facing the governments inability to reign in Trump at all. He’s done so many things that would have shown regular people the endless inside of a jail cell, but they just let him keep running around free.

When you allow criminals to walk free, other criminals see it as way to get away with whatever they want. That’s pretty much how Trump treated the Presidency, a “get out of jail for fucking everything for free” card. He still views it as such. It’s hard to imagine he didn’t get this idea by watching previous Presidents get away with tons of shit that would see the rest of us behind bars.

Anyway, long story short: Thanks, Obama.

  • Hot Saucerman@lemmy.mlOP
    1 year ago

    Dealing with a criminal ex-president who is running for reelection has never happened before to the country, so there’s not an operating procedure to follow.

    Bush didn’t run for re-election? Reagan didn’t run for re-election? The only criminal President you can say didn’t run for re-election was fucking Nixon.

    Literally the point of this post is that we have, time and time again, chosen not to prosecute them, despite plenty of evidence.

    Reagan making deals with terrorists in the Iran-Contra affair. Bush signing off on torture, which is a war crime. (We literally prosecuted low level soldiers for torture, but claimed it was just “bad apples” and not a painfully obvious systemic problem. Torture facilities don’t spring up from nothingness without anybody in the chain of command making a choice to torture people. The orders come down from somewhere and when you’re supposed to be the Commander in Chief of the armed forces, sorry, it kind of falls on you.)

    It’s been a problem because we keep kicking the fucking can down the road to ignore the question of “can we prosecute a former President.”